Dude, what a question...
Is the right to fly a flag protected by the bill of rights?
Surely you were joking when you asked that...right?
You answered your own question here...
I don't have a problem with people burning the flag to make a statement... for example if someone disagrees with the government.
Now, stay with me here D...let's use reason...I know some of the X dubs are out of practice with the whole "reasoning" thing...but bare with me...
If it's a constitutionally protected right to BURN the flag because you DISAGREE with the government...wouldn't it or shouldn't it be a constitutionally protected right to FLY the flag if you AGREE with the government?
NAMBLA...the North American Man Boy Love Association (as opposed to the National Association of Marlon Brando Look Alikes, which is trying to find a new name because of the OTHER NAMBLA) has been around since I was a youngster. I remember first hearing about them when I was like 9 or 10..when I was still being molested.
NAMBLA has been connected to the rape and murder of a young boy...when his killers were caught one of NAMBLA"s magazines was found in their car...subject...having liasons with boys and not getting caught by the law...which is what this organization is all about...They need to be shut down...damn...they got some of the Right to Life crowd with RICO...sounds like they could use that against NAMBLA...boy...the ACLU is protecting their right to free speech which seems to include felony conspiracy.
Ya know...if I were involved in a law suit and the ACLU said they'd defend me...I'd settle out of court with those suing me because I'm almost for sure in the wrong if the ACLU offers to help me.