Samson was the worlds first suicide bomber

by Hamas 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    No, because some appear to be internal, anyway (as evidenced by law from Hammurabi to present day).

  • Yerusalyim

    Samson is a spiritual story.

    But back to an early question...are we to judges ourselves today using the moral ethos of 4500 years ago?


    Yep, the Palis and Jews are related.

    Everyone keeps wanting to blame "religion" for the troubles of the world...the Communists did quite well killing 100's of millions without the help of religion...the problem is humanity...not religion. Humans will use whatever ideology or theology is convenient to kill and get their way.

  • Simon

    Communism was a type of religion ... it behaved in the same way, requiring total obedience and adherance to the commandments.

  • rocketman

    Religious fanatics often use their supposed right standing with God to justify their disdain for others, and this so often results in violent behavior, whether it comes from a suicide bomber, a hijacker, or someone who kills doctors who perform abortions. And yes, they all look to their holy books to find the justification for their sordid deeds.

  • blaid

    heh, tahts great stuff

  • Gamaliel


    Good point. I found a poem that I added to a thread a few months ago. The thread was called "Suicide Bomber's Plea" (from donkey). The poem I put on was about Sharon, the Jews and the Palestinians, and was a very fair look at the "morality" that Jews, Muslims and Christians have all taken from their hero Samson.

    rather than copy it here, I'm just putting a link, thought you'd be interested:


  • Hamas

    Thanks Gama !

  • obiwan

    This is what i like about this forum....different points of view. This is a point of view which I had not considerd. True, the circumstances were a little out of the norm, but the underliying idea is there. I have found quite a few different points of view here lately that have peeked my interest...good job Hamas!

  • Yerusalyim

    Sorry Simon...I still can't blame this on religion, especially since any ideology can (and probably has) been used to justify man's inhumanity to man...It's a a human problem...not an issue of religion.

  • Francois

    I'm with Simon. Communism was/is a religion. And the Democrat party in the US is also. It is practiced as a religion is practiced. Notice how, in the last election, Bush's dedication to his religion was viewed with horror by the neo-Marxist Democrat party - that same party who thought that the dedication of Lieberman to HIS religion was just wonderful, marvelous, too marvelous for words. See? the neo-Marxist Democrat party/religion already has one of the necessary dysfunctions: hypocrisy.


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