Samson was the worlds first suicide bomber

by Hamas 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yizuman
    Sorry Simon...I still can't blame this on religion, especially since any ideology can (and probably has) been used to justify man's inhumanity to man...It's a a human problem...not an issue of religion.

    Commies has always been anti-religion and anti-god. They're antiests. Yiz

  • Yizuman
    Communism was/is a religion. And the Democrat party in the US is also.

    Democrats is a relgious organization?????

    Guys, you don't know the commie history! Oh yeah, Democrats is a socialist group, they're no different to the commies.


  • Amazing


    Yes, a human problem is more accurate. Religion is the often used uncubator that helps spawn fanatics like what we see coming out of Islam these days. But other "isms" can be used as well ... it is a human thing.


    Not only does DNA link Jews to Palestinians, but the entire human race is linked together. Our ancestry can be traced to a common women in north Africa that has commonly been dubbed "Eve" by the scientific community. Not only do these groups need to stop the killing ... but the whole planet needs to stop killing.

  • Amazing


    I see the issue here as fanatical cultishness. Religion is an often used vehicle to spawn fanatical behavour. Political movements, like Nazism, Communism, and Facism have all attracted fanatics because these movements have many of the same features as religion. Today, Islam seems to be the religion which has more of this problem. Christianity has had this problem but it is evolving. The book, "The True Believer" by Erik Hoffer is among the best on the topic of exposing this link.

    I labeled the problem Hamas cites as a religious problem. I did this because of the radical fanaticism found in Islam given the growing terrorism is coming from that part of the world. Yerusalym labeled it a human problem ... in this he is more accurate. Simon linked communism as a type of religion, and he is quite correct in that communism was applied in a religious way ... pure, original communism as envisioned by Karl Marx was not intended to be fanatical. Lenin and Stalin made it into a State religion.

    Jim W.

  • teejay


    Samson was a suicide bomber? Preposterous! The way I read MY bible, Samson was

    a prisoner of war;

    was being held within the confines of the enemy's capital; and

    don't know if he'd been beaten and tortured and plied for info, but according to the record he'd had his eyes gouged out and most likely faced certain death.

    Repeating: he was at war, was being held by the enemy, and was faced with certain death. He struck out with what he had available. Just because he took a lot of the enemy with him, that doesn't make him a suicide bomber. He did what any solider of today would do in similar circumstances. He'd be given a posthumous medal of valor, too, I bet.


    [irrelevant, off-topic tangent]
    >>>> I'm with Simon. Communism was/is a religion. And the Democrat party in the US is also. It is practiced as a religion is practiced.

    Frank? You're amazing. Within three sentences we go from Samson being a suicide bomber to communism to the Democratic party being a religion. Dang, man. How *do* you do that?! You need to let this love/hate thing you got for the Demos ... well, you gotta let that go, Man!
    [/irrelevant, off-topic tangent]

  • Hamas
    he was at war, was being held by the enemy, and was faced with certain death

    He story is remarkably similar to the Palestinians !

    Likewise; if a POW at Camp X Ray would be to blow the whole camp into the sky, taking everybody down with him, this would make him a (suicide bomber)

    You can't pick and mix the act of suicide bombing from a different scenario or set of people. Samson killed himslef, taking down everybody else in the process.

  • Yerusalyim


    Remember, there was no Geneva Convention back for a POW to kill someone is illegal...back then it wasn't

  • Hamas

    Good point

  • teejay

    >>>>> He story is remarkably similar to the Palestinians !

    The only similarity is in the number of the enemy killed in a single blow. Other than that, that's were the similarities come to an abrupt end.

    Now, it might be similar if he'd been out in the field plotting and planning to go into the city and bring down those pillars, knowing all along that his act would result in the killing of himself and the rest. But that's not how it was. Chained between those two pillars, he was in a place where he had no choice and faced a certain death already, unlike a true suicide bomber who VOLUNTARILY puts themselves in a place where they are certain to die.

    Sorry, but IMO that scenario doesn't fit what happened to Samson AT ALL.

  • Hamas

    Teejay, have you ever been to Palestine ?

    If not, this is why you can't see any kind of similarities.

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