This is a good question you raised. Why would a JW not be allowed to read Crisis of Conscience?
If every person who ever doubted or questioned something the WTBS wrote or did was DA'd or DF'd there would be no more followers. When I found this website and started reading many of the posts, my heart was beginning to be crushed, because I felt that maybe the one organization that I had held my trust in for so many years was being abandoned by God. And the more I read the more the WTBS sounded like a cult.
People in the dark ages were burned at the stake/cross for reading the bible.
Why would the WTBS ban anyone reading anything that may help them in their search for truth? I don't understand it, but it makes me want to spit out nails when I hear of stories on this board of good people being Disfellowshipped and Disassociated and shunned for such matters as trying to expose pedophiles, or for reading Ray Franz' book and being spied on and considered apostates, and for even being open minded to post on forums such as this and get Disfellowshipped.