As you say that you are only 21 years of age and am at college then you have a whole life of learning ahead of you. So keep learning. But remember you know nothing about me so why bother to speculate.
by Dawn 50 Replies latest jw friends
As you say that you are only 21 years of age and am at college then you have a whole life of learning ahead of you. So keep learning. But remember you know nothing about me so why bother to speculate.
If you believe the Jonsson hypothesis is so grand then how come it has not been peer reviewed in the scholarly literature?
You say that Jonsson has obtained advanced degrees then what are they?
I don't have ready access to his biography and I don't know the man, so I am not personally familiar with his credentials. To make matters worse, I can't find my copy of GTR right now, to see whatever information about the author might be contained in it. I can, however, find my copy of The Sign of the Last Days - When?, and, while no biographical information on the authors is given in that book, I note that two of the response letters reproduced in it (specifically, the ones on pages 239 and 245) are addressed to Jonsson by the title "Dr." which would lead a reasonable person to believe that he must have identified himself as one possessing a doctorate when he wrote the original letters to which the reproduced letters were responding. But I'm sure there are others on this forum who are more familiar with Jonsson's qualifications than I am.
Even if he possesses a bachelor's degree, that gives him more in the way of academic credentials than just about any leader within the Watchtower Society.
If you believe the Jonsson hypothesis is so grand then how come it has not been peer reviewed in the scholarly literature?
In light of this question, one must wonder why none of what you refer to as "the Society's wondrous biblical chronology" has been peer reviewed in the scholarly literature? This is a typical JW double standard - questioning the academic credentials of any who dispute the Society's teachings, while at the same time those perpetrating those teachings have no scholarly qualifications whatsoever.
Just out of curiosity, scholar, at what universities did you earn your degrees?
Jonsson has not got university qualifications at all to my knowledge or at the very least not in the discipline he claims to be an expert in. If his book is so great then why has it not been peer reviewed in the literature? It is not normal practice to review particular church doctrines unless a scholar has published writings on that subject and Witness topics have been peer reviewed/
My degrees are from Deakin University and the University of Sydney.
Another interesting interjection is "how do the jw's worship God?"
Jonsson has not got university qualifications at all to my knowledge or at the very least not in the discipline he claims to be an expert in.
Well, the first thing that comes to my mind is that there is a big difference between one who has no university qualifications at all and one who has qualifications in a different discipline than the one in which he is writing. One who has qualifications in a different discipline is at least familiar with the rigors of academia, knows how research should be done and how it should be reported, etc. I had been under the impression that Jonsson was a college professor, but I can't remember why I thought that.
All that is beside the point anyway; if Jonsson lacks even an undergraduate degree, he is as well educated as any of the "great Bible scholars" whom you claim have written for the WTS. My point was that you were being hypocritical in demanding academic qualifications of those who question the teachings of the WTS, while at the same time making no such demand upon those who produce those teachings. As I said before, it seems that the only "academic qualification" that will meet your standard is agreement with the WTS.
If his book is so great then why has it not been peer reviewed in the literature? It is not normal practice to review particular church doctrines unless a scholar has published writings on that subject and Witness topics have been peer reviewed/When has a JW publication ever been peer reviewed in scholarly literature? Please supply the citation, if there is one - I'd love to read the review. Again, you present one standard for Jonsson, and another for the WTS. If WTS publications are not peer reviewed because they present "particular church doctrines," then would not Jonsson's book, as a response to such doctrines, likewise be exempt from review?
My degrees are from Deakin University and the University of Sydney.
And.....??? Is that good????
Perhaps this is a variation on "Show me yours and I'll show you mine"!!
"Show me yours and I'll show you mine"!!Your playing with fire now...
The information provided in COC was hard to bear, but the single most important thing for me was Ray's feelings. I recognized the true feelings of someone who BELIEVED at one time and then had his eyes opened. He went through the horrible realization that they simply didn't have the TRUTH and much of what he'd been taught and had taught over the years was wrong. Many of the doubts I'd had during my years of being a JW were the same ones he had. I never felt confident enough to share those doubts with other witnesses so it was a relief to read someone who had been on the GB feeling the same way. Ray's humanity and honesty of feelings did more in helping me find courage to uncover more and eventually LEAVE.
Didn't Paul convert? Suddenly?
Scholar - Deakin? never heard of it. sydney? I lived there once. They have a good surfing program, but their religion program isn't exactly world renowned, is it?
Toss another brightly colored book on the barbie, mate!