What Surprised You The Most About The "Truth"?
by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends
Frannie Banannie
Coming in? or going out?
Coming in....it was the Kingdom Melodies....looney tunes! I NEVER!! LOL!
Going out.....nothing could surprise me about them anymore...I thought....till I found out about their disengenuous affiliation with the U.N., which began the year before my Exodus and didn't discover until 2001....ten years later...
Frannie B
Nathan Natas
That none of it was true.
Nathan pretty much covered all I had to say.........the comment stealin bastard!
I think it is the terrific hold it has on us members. I never really thought that I was being so manipulated. And when I mention doubts to my friends, they get all scared and defensive, as if I am turning into a demon or something.
I can't remember how I ever got to this stage - of being controlled so much. When did it happen? I can't really remember - it just sort of crept up on me. At first I thought it was all love and kindness and honesty - but all I see now is a vice-like grip that doesn't want to let go.
ignorance is strength
1. How the Watchtower magazine is considered infallible even though they claim it isn't.
2. How they could pick dates, be wrong, and deny being false prophets.
All I can think of for now.
Special K
ditto with Nathan
What surprised my the most about the Truth.. was that it wasn't the TRUTH!!
Big let down..
special k
I agree with everyone that said...That it was not the "truth"
That it allowed parents to abuse their children.
I always knew about there being new light etc, but the realisation of how much new light there was, and how much things changed was the biggest surprise for me.