Education vs JW?

by galaxia_moon 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • galaxia_moon

    I am 15 years old and recently just doubting this whole religion that was introduced to me when I was very small from a very good family friend. Doubt obviously comes with shame and guilt and I hate those feelings because it feels like I'm betraying this whole organization that I grew up in...

    Anyways, I've been doing research and found that Jehovah's Witnesses dislike/shun kids who attend colleges & universities that are more than 4 years long? Have you heard of this? I do not like this point as I think education does not interfere with one's spiritual thinking or whatever. I would honestly love to go to school to study medicine? Like how does this go against Jehovah and everything? I'm confused so drop a thought or if you also had to go through the same process how'd you manage it. I'm just trying to get some answers on here since I'm not trying to make the people around me suspicious by asking these questions.

    P.S. this is my first post so hello! I'd like to explore more of this community too :3

  • Overrated
    I had the same thing when I grew up in "Truth". I wanted to go to college for a two year program and was strongly discouraged by the elders and parents that was more concern with their position in the cong. Mean while brother elder's son was able to go to college. Go figure that one? You may have to wait till your on your own or take classes online. Fake it to make it to sort of speak till you can get in position to take on school. Or tell them that Bethel needs Doctors and lawyers too.
  • LongHairGal


    Welcome to the forum. It’s wonderful you want to study medicine. Luke was a physician.

    They tell people not to go to college - meanwhile they are looking for doctors/lawyers and other professional people. How did these people get their qualifications? They went to college, that’s how. Do you know there are thousands of older Witnesses who never got college or career and didn’t prepare for retirement? They are frantic! Don’t make the same mistake.

    Any older people telling YOU now not to get your education are not going to be around to even help you when you are older in life.

  • cofty

    Hi and welcome. It's always so encouraging when a young person finds the courage to question dogma while they still have all their life ahead of them. Your opportunities are endless.

    There is a forum member here who started training a lot older than you are and he is now a qualified emergency doctor saving lives every day. Look out for posts from 'Snare & Racket'.

    Follow your dreams. Start planning now. Aim high.

    If you have questions or concerns about doctrine or faith or dealing with pressure from family we have lots of experience to offer.

  • justme
    LongHairGal---you couldn't be more correct, without that pension & Social Security, it will be a nightmare, how are you going to survive, depend on others all the time? need to plan when your young, get a degree if possible & work as much as you can, the more you put in, the more you will get back in the's really important for your survival & when you're young, you think you have the time, but it catches up to you soon & you don't want to live out your retirement years camping in some back woods....
  • Vanderhoven7

    Welcome to the forum Galaxia!

    I graduated from high school in 1968. A fellow graduate told me there was no time to go to university.....and that if I did not become a JW by 1975 I would be destroyed at Armageddon. I told him that he would wake up in 1976 with egg all over his face. I went on to have a successful teaching career and in retirement i am still reaping the benefits of that ... and so are my children.

    You will be able to do more for yourself and others if you further your education as planned.

  • LongHairGal

    Hi JUSTME:

    Yes, I am glad you realized it would indeed be a nightmare if someone didn’t prepare for Retirement!!!

    I came into the JW religion a young working adult who refused to quit my job to appease these people. (Don’t know if it was jealousy or if they just hated women with independence/self-esteem.)..You were supposed to go out in service, do housecleaning and then be minding everybody else’s business in the congregation by doing favors for Users.. NO WAY!!!

    Meanwhile..the older people in the congregation were collecting their pensions - which means THEY were in the workforce!

    Thankfully, I did not listen and am Retired today..These people who tried to ruin my life are mostly dead now..and they went to their graves living a cushy life.

    So you can understand that I don’t want the Witnesses coming near me looking for anything..I have no use for them.

  • phoenixrising

    Well its not a DFing offense to go to school but its frowned on.

  • smiddy3

    Welcome g_m ,the WTB&TS are hypocritical when it comes to higher education .They use their JW lawyers to fight against paying out compensation to victims of child sex abuse in there ranks.

    And every now and then they call out for brothers and even sisters who have certain qualifications when they need them.

    I would honestly love to go to school to study medicine? Like how does this go against Jehovah and everything?

    If that is your passion ,then don`t let anyone stop you ,go for it .

    Any questions you have ,not only are people willing and eager to help such a young person as yourself ,but you can also use the search option at the top of the page to find out anything you want to know.

    Take care and good luck in whatever YOU CHOOSE to do .

  • truth_b_known


    Is getting a "higher education" (e.g. - going to college) discouraged by the Watchtower? Yes. So much so, if your father is a Witness and is an elder or servant, he will be removed and lose all of his privileges. You will probably never have any privileges given to you.

    As you can see from the responses, there are generations worth of former JWs here who were told the same thing as you when they were your age. Many are reaching their retirement years or are already there. If they had not prepared for their later years in life they may be facing a harsh life.

    Remember that in the Bible the members of the first century Christian congregation sold all their property and belongings and gave the money to the congregation. They lived communally. Do you see Witnesses living communally? When a member of your congregation falls on hard economic times, has any family in your congregation told such ones "Come live with us. We will feed and clothe you. We will give you a bed to sleep in. We will pay your doctor bills"? Does your body elders ever make a motion to give congregation funds to help the homeless, hungry, of sick either in your congregation or outside?

    You know the answer to those questions is an emphatic "No". In fact, suggesting such thing will raise eyebrows. Yet that is exactly what they are command to do in the Bible.

    The Watchtower wants to have its cake and eat it too. They want you to live like the first Christians and not pursue education or a career. Conversely, they refuse to assist anyone (including their own) in providing for their needs.

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