Welcome to our forum. I think I can say that virtually no one on this forum would discourage you from getting higher learning........ especially in a field that you are interested in.
I'd start early to plant the seeds of your interest in getting some serious education with your parents. The society at times has a desperate need for college level JW's............ so that's a good fall back point. In fact Bethel itself looks for skilled believers as well as those who have useful educations.
I don't know if your baptized........ hopefully not. Hopefully never. Resist that option. Jesus wasn't baptized until he was 30 years old.....some how the Society slides past that fact.
There will be a number of options open to you in the years to come. In the mean time when you turn 16 an after school job working for a vet, or helping out at some health care facility.
When you work along side professionals it is amazing how much you can learn.
A lot of JWs teens these days are living at home while they attend 1 year or a two year community college.
In the meantime be kind and loving to your family members, keep up with house hold chores. And stay focused on who you are and what you want to be.