The temperature in the UK tonight has dropped to 7 degrees celcius making it the coldest night in a long time, and what happens??? Arachnoids head indoors. Boy, do I hate them. OK, so the little ones are ok. I can even hold a medium sized one in my hand. But spiders with a leg-span of say... 3 inches, I get scared. I love nature and all that, but the killing instinct kicks in very quickly when 8 legged creatures appear. And I always feel bad as a bloke, feeling this way.
Any men out there like spiders?
by ballistic 37 Replies latest jw friends
ignorance is strength
You think thats bad, I saw a spider about the size of a tarantula (I have no idea what kind it is) outside about a week ago, scared the hell out of me... too big to kill. If the spiders in the UK are that small maybe I'll move over there
Yep I like em, never kill them, always pick them up and throw them for miles.
My two adult brothers are totally scared of even a money spider. I dont know why, its not as though they've got 8 legs or something, well not when I have finished with them anyways.
i'm not a guy, but i luuuuuuuuuurve spiders!
I read this title asking if men were like spiders. Couldn't imagine what was up!
Can anyone else say AWWWWWWWWW.......
How cute???? I love spiders!
I'm with you on this one!!! I want to like spiders (ewww, ick!!!), but I just can't.
Go figure.
You mean EWWWWW
nah, I kinda like it, I wont mention pulling its legs off. Last time I mentioned spiders legs Tom Tally was hysterical for a week.
I don't like spiders or other insects. In fact it's about time for me to spray the outside of my house!!
I hate earwigs too!
Our cats enjoy playing with them and occasionally eating them, but I still don't like 'em.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! But I'd like him better if he were coated with p olyurethane. I could put him on a shelf as a knick-knack.
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