Every JW should be robotic. No one should question. Everyone should be in "unity". Having "freedom" is "worldly". Jehovah God will destroy all independent ones.
Why Aren't Jehovah's Witnesses Allowed To Freely Express Themselves?
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William Penwell
Why aren't JW's allowed to freely express themselves???
If you read any books on cult mind manipulation, this is one characteristics of a cult, the control of information.
The society, from the governing body down to local elders, insists on being free to control the minds of others. This is incompatible with freedom of thought, which eventually leads to free expression on the part of rank and file members. They know that if members felt free to think for themselves, and express their thoughts, there would soon be no society. It would just fall apart, because mind control is the only thing that holds it all together.
Ontario District Overbeer -
Room 215
I'm reminded of a quotation, which I believe is attributed to Cervantes, who, thanks to the Inquisition, knew a little bit about religious authoritarianism: ``I'd much rather go through life with questions I can't answer than those I can't ask!"
it's dangerous!
I do not where you have been but your experience with Jehovah's people is different to mine as I have been an independent thinker since 1964 and to this day remain an active Witness proud of his Christian heritage.
BA MA Studies in Religion
scholar, you don't know where I have been? You cannot be an independent thinker and still remain in favor with the Witness community. Read the publications and notice why you are not what the "slave" requires. Thinking independently is wrong according to the Watchtower. You should know that "scholar".
The witnesses do have an opportunity at the WT study to answer and give there opinions its only a matter of time before this will happen and when it does the witness religion will change in and even the GB wont have the control they once had. Barry
Red Witch
"I'm just going on a sabbatical and may return to the congregation a year from now". You just CAN'T say that without repercussions.
You just answered your own question...THEY ARE WRONG and in so many ways!!!
Boy, if I read you correctly then I must have in a different religion since 1964 or perhaps another planet. But that is nonsense because like Descartes I know myself and I know where I have been right up to the present. So, I conclude that you are making a monkey of yourself. Hace you not heard of discipline and order? All organizations prescribe order and discipline as a vital constituent of their organism.
BA MA Studies in Religion