I am fairly new to this board and have been following this thread with great interest.
I am glad you have stopped putting BA, MA etc after your name because it is really embarrassing.
I have a degree like many on this board but have always thought that people who felt the need to tell eveyone what they had studied by adding silly letters to the end of their name must have a big problem with self-esteem.
I just wanted to comment on one point you made which made me angry.
You said "All Witnesses are encouraged to ask questions and can find answers by means of the Index, local elders and a letter to the Society. If there is a contentious matter then one can write and leave the matter to dealt with."
Do you have ANY IDEA what happens when you approach the elders with questions or doubts? I find it hard to believe that you are a JW if you think it is that easy. Not only have I been 'marked' for questioning the JWs unscriptural practices (such as shunning - you know - the 'loving' practice of making someone come to the KH when the meeting has started, sit at the back being ignored, then leave as soon as the meeting is ended because they are so contaminated they might as well be lepers) but they are outraged if anyone dares question anything, particularly if you are a woman! I want to be able to discuss scriptures and express what they mean to me at meetings. I don't want to be forced to parrot what's in the paragraphs - that isn't teaching anybody anything. Why don't JWs have meetings where everyone is free to express themselves and voice any doubts etc? What is the WTS afraid of? If they have the truth, no amount of doubting or questioning will make it any less true. If what they teach is from God, then nobody will be able to make this organisation crumble. Why can't we have open and free discussion?
To answer the main question on this thread, JWs CANNOT EVER freely express themselves because they are too damn scared!