Hello all, First time I have ever posted a message so my apologies if I am not as succinct in my use of language as some of the other contributors appear to be. My cousin, who was in his late 20's at the time, announced that he was one of the 144,000 in the mid eighties. His poor mother, who was scitzophrenic, was hospitalised as the shock sent her into an attack. Apparantly she couldn't bear not living forever on Earth without her son. Anyway, because it was such a sensitive issue, I never asked at the time and as I am no longer a witness, although for reasons I might explain at some point not df'd, I was wondering if anyone knew how someone was supposed to know they were one of the "remnant". Is there a test the elders are supposed to do or something.
How does a JW know if they are one of the annointed?
by carcroft congregation 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
refiners fire
Hey Rick. youre not in Melbourne by any chance are you? Been to any BBQs in Melbourne recently?
Rick Aust
According to the JW Theology, its the holy spirit that tells you that your one of the annointed.
But in real practice, anyone can claim to be one of them and there is nothing no one can do about it, as long as you are batized that is. Even if everyone doudts you, one one can say anything to you, its supposed to be between you and God and the elders will have to put it on your card that you are one of the annointed whether they agree with you or not.
carcroft congregation
Thanks for this, but it all seems a bit wet really. Have they never come up with any proper test because they should all be dying out by now?
HI & Welcome CC
Hi carcroft congregation and welcome here
Once a long time ago at a very boring Sunday talk (what's new?) a brother posed the same question, so what he did was ask all the males in the audience to show hands, then after asked all the females to do the same. He then at length explained that as we all know what sex we are, and are very certain of that, it was the same for the 144,000 they just knew that they had the heavenly calling. It's that simple!
I asked that same question and the answer I got was.... if you have to ask, you are not one of them. It is something you would know.
PS Welcome CC!
I am sorry that you did not like the previous answer but I can assure you that, that is the perfect answer to your question.Simply nobody can prove it.
carcroft congregation
Sorry arancia, I wasn't saying that your answer was wet as a criticism of you, I was just saying it was wet that that is the best they can come up with. No wonder no JW will ever talk about it