Thanks for posting, looking forward to hearing more of your story!
You said
Each disciple of Christ has a scriptural obligation to preach.
That is true. Each one is to let his light shine. The main question is HOW?
You said
They did this by house to house, in synagogues, and in the marketplaces.
I'm not sure it's scripturally provable that all 1st century Christians went house to house. (BTW, the wording and context of Acts 20:20 is debatable, and does not necessarily prove that all Christians went house to house.)
Yes, they bore witness as they went about their day-to-day lives, both by conduct, by works of love, and by their word. No doubt that would include the synagogues and marketplaces.
However, consider that there are non-JW Christian evangelical groups that have grown from a small beginning to EVEN LARGER numbers than JW's did by the end of the 20th century. How did they increase their numbers? How did they witness? Not door to door, but more by personal contact, word of mouth, and conduct (as did the first Century Christians).
Also consider Ephesians 4:11, which says, "And he gave some as apostles, some as prophets, SOME as evangelizers, some as shepherds and teachers." Did you note that only SOME would be given as evangelizers? These were no doubt outstanding in the gift given. Apparently, not all would be able to accomplish by word of mouth those who were 'given' as evangelizers.
So yes a Christian witness can be given, and it doesn't need to resemble the sometimes inefficient, difficult house-to-house method that the JW organization insists on.