"God's Kingdom?" Define "God's Kingdom." Scripturally! Show us scripturally where "God's Kingdom" is a "Government" with a "Heavenly and and Earthly Organization." Any old scripture will do, just as long as it is crystal clear. Just any old scripture. I don't need dozens of them. Just one.
Farkel, this post is NOT necessarily directed to you. It is for anyone who MIGHT want an answer.
A "kingdom" is "a realm or domain in which a king holds jurisdiction."
The kingdom of the heavens is spoken of God, our Father, and his Christ as king.
"The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord and his Christ and he will reign forever and ever."
Revelation 11:15
The Lord spoke of the 'domain' of which he held saying,
"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me."
Matthew 28:18
The kingdom of God is the entire "realm or domain" of heaven and earth in which both God and Christ reign forever.
Because they have this authority over "heaven and earth" the Father is able to cause "the former heaven and earth" to flee and bring in the "new heavens and a new earth."
Revelation 20:11
Revelation 21:1
The result of the "jurisdiction" of the Father and the Son is spoken of saying:
"But there are a new heavens and a new earth we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell."
"The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy with holy spirit.
2 Peter 3:13
Romans 14:17
The Lord said:
"Just as the Father sent me forth, I also am sending you forth."
John 20:21
He spoke these words to those who 'belonged' to him and were later 'anointed' with the promised holy spirit. Through that spirit they can forgive the sins of others, and retain the sins of others. Just like our Lord, they too were 'sent' into the world that the world may be saved through them. They were to speak about the "life" and the means to get it by believing in our Lord. Once they believed in him, they too were granted holy spirit and belonged to him.
The Lord's 'message' when he was on earth was "Repent, you people, BECAUSE the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near." He shared the kingdom of God with anyone through the "gifts of the holy spirit" that he recieved from his Father.
Such 'gifts' he gave also to his disciples so that they too can "bring the kingdom of God" to others.
Luke 10:9
Once you understand that the "kingdom of God" is so much more, with the free gift of holy spirit you can drink of NOW, it is loving to share that kingdom with others.