Well thank you very much darlin'. Having fun so far. Although I have not figured out what half of these little icons do/mean
If you could use a voodoo doll to hurt anyone you chose, would you?
by Happythoughts 48 Replies latest watchtower bible
Who needs a doll. I own guns.
Stacy Smith
Of course I would, they are much cheaper than nukes.
That's not a very happy thought happythought.
If you are that desperate to hurt someone you really are a sicko girl.
I dont know his name, but the dude who first invented pop up adds on the net. Whoever thought of those things needs to be punished forever.
golly gee are'nt those some "happythoughts" stabbing people with little voodoo dolls because you are...mad?
I would not. Not because I don't know a few people that deserve to be stuck with needles over and over until they pass out. But because I believe in carma. And I personally would not want to be stabbed a thousand times more then whom I inflicted it on.
Yep I am being selfish.
two wrongs don't make a right and so on and so forth
But I don't need to.....I have very sick friends who will do it for me.
No, I wouldn't. That would be just plain and I am such an .