The Invisible 'Ones'

by uriah 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SadElder
    In my experience, I hardly saw any JW's except at meetings or meetings for FM. Between that time they did not exist.

    How true. The Bethel CIA (AKA Service Dept) foments this attitude. In publications they pound out No orldly association, no parties, no this, no that. The land of the No People! Have a cong. picnic and find out how fast that jerk of a CO 'serving' your circuit complains about the worldliness of your congrgation. Want to use the big congregation property, on that beautiful acreage you helped pay for, to have even a small lunch? Oh NO! We don't do such things on hallowed ground.

    Since I quit being an elder several years ago I've learned that to most of the new 'elders', you know them the ones still trying to grow chest hair, if you're not an elder you're nothing. Zero personality, zero life experience, zero knowledge besides what's written in their little 'secret' elder's book. BTW I still have two of those little books and they aren't getting them back.

    Recently I was hospitalized after emergency surgery, 3 days in ICU and then another five in a regular room. Wonder how many of those elders visited, you know them, the ones who always had their hand out for some kind of help from me? Two. Guess how many showed up during my 2 month recuperation at home? One! Guess how many of the 12 elders in the congregation bothered to get up off their ass and make a phone call? Two!

    I haven't reported time, even made up time ,in almost 6 months, and no one has noticed. Good. But I know they'll come knocking as soon as that devil, the Circuit Overseer is due for a visit. Can't have it look like we have an inactive pub. now can we? And an inactive former elder, Oh My! Think maybe I'll tell them they must have lost my reports and see them try and figure that out. Of course since I haven't made a single comment aor been on the platform in more than two years maybe they've given me up as invisible.

    Too bad for them!

  • uriah

    I am reminded by these posts that they only times any elders phoned (except to maybe ask something for themselves) was to ask for my report slip. I remember being really irritated by it on one occasion and so said I had no time to report. The response, 'Oh dear, long sigh'.

    The problem with all this brotherlyness is that it takes place mainly in the mind of the listener, or reader of 'spiritual food(tm)' I rememeber the feeling of getting all enthused and that warm glow you get when you are all in it together and helping out, hall building and the like. It was real for me, but then I began to see the cracks and realised that other 'brothers' did not walk the talk and most of them hated each other. I began to realise that it was a one-way street and nothing I did for others would be returned in anyway by them - not that that is what you do it for, but the realisation that if I needed anything it would not be forthcoming, all the while it was 'Thankyou brother Mug and I'll have that as well while you are at it - sucker, I mean brother'. The whole concept of the glabal brotherhood is false and based on emotionalism and hype with a good helping of sickly-sweet vaucuous jargon.

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