Reasons I love God? This will all be off the top of my head.
Let me see. First, I might mention that if God does exist and loves me, then HE is very irrational. I know myself better than anyone here, and as much as I love thinking highly of myself, I know my worst moments. Therefore it seems odd for me to have to "think up" rational reasons for loving God. It rather seems like an insult when I understand that He loves me without reason or condition.
I don't tell God, "Pay my bills or I won't love you." --What kind of "love' is that??? It makes me wonder how your relationships must be running, if that is the way you think 'love' is.
Alright. I love God because I find in Him beauty of every kind. Wherever I look, I recognize His being there. I love God because this creation of His is a miracle, and it is astounding--every detail of each thing, from the temperature, the seasons, the nature of water, the atmosphere and air, the plants and aniimals, --well, everything. (Except flies. "God in his wisdom made the fly, and then forgot to tell us why." Ogden Nash) His goodness shows up in the sunrise every morning. I love the mountains and fields and mist. I can take up too much here, but I have a lot of awe here for God, and it is simply easy to believe in God from nature alone, and to love Him for what He has done. Even if they disappear tomorrow, I will always know the good things He can do.
I cannot live outside of His creation, either. I'm forced in a certain way to accept this gift whether I acknowledge it or not. So, to argue that I'm benefitting from creation is rather pointless, I think, since I've nowhere else to go!
Another reason I love God: He is divinely humble. He stoops to conquer. He will even accept our prayers when we pray to Him as a last resort. He is not that proud, nasty monster someone told you He is. I am inspired with admiration for this.
He is the perfect judge. He doesn't judge people on what they haven't known, but what they have known. He goes by what's in the heart, not by hours on a time card.
Another reason: Jesus, on the cross, prayed for the forgiveness of those crucifying him. I am truly drawn to him for this. It is amazing. I wish I could be like that, too. I love him because right here I see what Goodness is, and I see that goodness from God meant providing me the opportunity to become good, too.
And if you say that this is all self-directed, then I might have to say that I agree with the famous shorter catechism, that man was made to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. It just goes with the territory, if God is good.
I realize that these reasons won't affect you, but I don't mind being a fool for Christ. People who love will do foolish things. I don't have answers as to why evil exists, but I can say that it makes the possibility for us to choose between good and evil readily apparent. It would certainly be hard to choose, otherwise.