Evolution doesn't happen today...WRONG...

by HowTheBibleWasCreated 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    Venus: I disagree with half of that especially point 3 because I think John was first but wont debate it on this thread.

    Outa: Actually you can see dinosaurs sprouting wings everyday if you look up. ...Birds

  • Saename
    cofty - There is some misinformation about subject that creationists like you exploit.

    Could you specify what misinformation creationists like to use in their "debates"?

  • faithnomore

    My uber family member is quick to acknowledge that evolution happens within a species in order to compensate for the 1000's of different insects etc that couldn't have been on the ark. But it stops there? uggg

  • smiddy3

    What do creationists as well as those who believe in Creation not to confuse the two believe how or why we have a creature in Australia called the Platypus ?

    Did God get his DNA mixed up ?

    or is it a product of evolution ?

    Or is their an alternative solution ?

  • venus


    I was just trying to direct attention to a related truth.

    Theory of evolution came as an act of frustration because excesses of religions were too intolerable at that time. Darwin did not know that religions were really enemies of God—they were using God for their own luxurious life style. To attack the very basis of religions something had to be invented which resulted in The Theory of Evolution.

    In other words, irreligiousness of all religions was the CAUSE, and expression of atheism through theory of evolution was the EFFECT. It means Cause and Effect principle is at work behind everything. Irreligiousness of religions was an evolution from true spirituality that existed when earth was paradise. This condition will not be permitted eternally. At the right time God would “renew” the system of things. (Mathew 19:28)

    Shadow of the things to come has already started appearing even now. Have a look at what is happening at Russia's Seashore Safari Park and other places …



    i said it was an act of frustration because Darwin knew that he could explain certain things through theory of evolution, very great things such as origin of universe, life, consciousness could not be explained.

  • cofty
    I was just trying to direct attention to a related truth. - Venus

    Except your comments could not be less related to the topic.

    Theory of evolution came as an act of frustration because excesses of religions were too intolerable at that time.

    No it didn't. Biological evolution was posited by religious men long before Darwin. His genius was to discover the mechanism of natural selection.

    To attack the very basis of religions something had to be invented which resulted in The Theory of Evolution.

    Evolution has absolutely nothing at all to do with any attack on religion.

    In other words, irreligiousness of all religions was the CAUSE, and expression of atheism through theory of evolution was the EFFECT.

    Evolution does not equate with atheism. The vast majority of intelligent theists accept the fact of evolution.

    It means Cause and Effect principle is at work behind everything.

    Please go away with your BK bullshit.

  • venus


    At the core of evolutionists and atheists is the hatred of irreligiousness and irrationality of religions. Typical example is modern day atheism High Priest Richard Dwakin's God Delusion. Book speaks more on religious irrationality than the process of evolution.

    Many people like The Theory of Evolution because they too hate the irrational stories of religions and luxurious life-style of religious leaders even though theory cannot explain too great things such as origin of universe, origin of life, origin of consciousness ...

    Sir Alfred Ayer, Howard Storm, Antony Flew were all once fundamaterialists. Once on their own, they left their blind belief on matter.

  • Fred Franztone
    Fred Franztone

    Venus, you're making connections which simply aren't there. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and sometimes a theory explaining the diversity of life is just that, not an attack on or frustration with anything.

    And calling Richard Dawkins a high priest of atheism makes it look like you've been living under a rock since 2010. He's fallen massively out of favour in the atheist community since the rise of the SJWtards.

  • TD

    Jane Goodall is not an atheist. Neither was the late Martin Gardner. .

    It is only the toxic, fundy flavors of religion, (Of which JW's are a good example) that have a problem with organic evolution.

    On the surface, you would think life that can endlessly change and adapt would be a more clever "creation" than the static, immutable reproductive "kinds" of fundamentalism, but they obviously don't see it that way.

  • cofty
    At the core of evolutionists and atheists is the hatred of irreligiousness and irrationality of religions. - Venus

    Well that's nonsense. The vast majority of theists accept the fact of biological evolution with no problem.

    You can have evolution with or without god.

    Typical example is modern day atheism High Priest Richard Dwakin's God Delusion. Book speaks more on religious irrationality than the process of evolution.

    Dawkins has written many books on biological evolution that say nothing at all about religion. I can think of 6 or 7 titles off the top of my head. His book "The god Delusion" speaks more about religion than it does about evolution because it is about religion and not about evolution.

    You will find that most atheists are not huge fans of Dawkins anti-god rants. He is nobodies "High Priest".

    even though theory cannot explain too great things such as origin of universe, origin of life, origin of consciousness

    That is like complaining that your umbrella can't predict when it is going to rain.

    Once again we see another member of your BK cult team posting on your account. One minute you have perfect English and the next it is back to broken English. Nobody is interested in your stupid cult.

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