No apologies needed! Not everyone here is a victim of sexual abuse... though many are. Shameful, isn't it? After all those years of putting down the Catholic Church for their sexual abuse scandals....
That is what hurts me the most. How this organization can continue on with blood of innocent children on their hands, whilst putting down other religion. Also, hiding their own facts on how the religion started... just shameful.
Stick around. Question everything. Find out the truth about the WTBTS. It's a hard pill to swallow, but you will be happier in the long run. Trust me! Don't let them blind you anymore, calling anyone who questions them "apostate". That is not what Jesus taught, nor the Christians in the Roman era. People could actually disagree on certain things... such as circumcision. (spelling, sorry!) They were not "disfellowhipped"! Only those who were confirmed fornicators and still went to their church, should they not eat a meal with them... not for QUESTIONING A CULT.
Stick around, and find out the facts. God does not operate through their organization... something that ex-elders, ex-ministerial servants, and pioneers for 30 plus years have found out....