I'm glad this thread was brought up. I was at the special talk too and I kept listening very closely for them to identify who Jesus is. They never did.
They never brought up that, according to JW's, Jesus was created by God as an angel, then descended to earth and became a man, died for our sins so that we would live, was resurrected and returned to heaven as an angel again.
NONE of those points were brought up. They never brought up that Jesus is Michael the Arch Angel either.
All they did was talk about his preaching work, and his qualities and that if we want to know more, attend the Memorial. What?!
Now here's the problem with that whole thing: If your a JW and you have THE TRUTH, then tell it! If Jesus was an angel, then tell everyone that. But no, they danced around what they really believe about who Jesus BECAUSE they know that all "worldly" folk will think they are absolutely crazy if they said how the really feel, now that's the real reason they didn't just come on out and say it the way it is.
Sounds a little culty, doesn't it.