Rotten review!

by avishai 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • sens
    then passed us a colouring book

    LMAO Brummie ....

  • Loris
    passed us a colouring book to keep us quiet

    What was an elder doing with a coloring book at the KH? That is too funny!!!! I wonder if he needed diversion during meetings himself.


  • freedom96

    I enjoyed them only because I didn't have to listen to them dribble from the stage.

    Fun too if as a kid I had mine, wrote down all the right answers, and then went to a friends hall, and re-did it, this time scored 100%.

  • micheal

    The written review was just plain old stupid. Everyone would act like this was extremley important. Everyone would be so quiet, you could only use your bible, no looking at other people's answers. Then the same frickin people would have their hand up for every question, ( wow their so smart ). Then when TMSC would ask the audience if there were any answers that were missed, like 16 hands would go up. WHAT THE HELL?!!!

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