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'Panic At Bethel' (written 6/03)
by sf 11 Replies latest jw friends
Thank you, sf, for your post. It'll be interesting to see how my mom would react toward me. I have always had that little fear that someday she might tell me that she would shun me. Now, I just want to get away from all these watchtower thing. Argh!!!!
Hi SF,
This is interesting. I recall how many times one CO would come to town and urge calling on inactive JWs to encourage them ... then the next CO would say to just leave the inactive alone and instead focus on the needs of the active ... then the next Co would urge a house cleaning because of the need for purity, and so inactive JWs would be combed over to weed out those living outside Watchtower rules. Then, in time another Co wold bring us back to the nice guy routine.
Today, I suspect that things are quite different. The Watchtower reads ex-JW sites, and sees that many are likely trying to fade away ... they want to discredit them and get them out in a hurry before they influence others in the congregations. The Watchtower Society is really nothing more than a tin-pot dictatorship Soviet style ... and they are eventually going to fall ... their weaking little Jehovah cannot save them.
The Watchtower Society is really nothing more than a tin-pot dictatorship Soviet style
Interesting you should say that. The flagship newspaper of Russia (and former worldwide dispenser of Communist propaganda) is called Pravda.
For those of you who don't speak Russian, the word pravda translates into English as "The Truth".
The average jw doesn't even realize what can really happen on such calls to "assist" inactive people. One wrong response to a question from the elders and one could find that they've just disassociated themselves.
thye must just be looking for recent inactive ones that might still assocaite with others and might pose a threat to others. i have been inactive for abut 6 yrs, but have attended meetings off and on during that time. They do not seeme as a threat, so no viit.
back during last winter we had much discussion about this here on the board. Seems that not many of us actually got viists. They did of course last august toughen up their DF associating policy.
It doesn't say anything in the Kingdom Ministry article about inactive ones having to declare whether they're for or against and having to DA or be DF'ed. The writer of this article completely makes that assumption up himself. Where is he getting his information from?
It doesn't say anything in the Kingdom Ministry article about inactive ones having to declare whether they're for or against and having to DA or be DF'ed. The writer of this article completely makes that assumption up himself. Where is he getting his information from?
No, it does not, that is why the writer refers to rumors. Thanks sKally for the article. I can't understand the feeling I am having after reading this post and others that speak of the same things. I have never DAed nor have been DFed. I oppose their teachings and would never go back. Yet, i feel dread at the prospect of being asked to DA or being DFed. Why? Cassi
This all started last October, if I remember right. Caspian posted about it. They had announced at his annual elder meeting that they were going to start a campaign to find the inactive ones and that the campaign was going to run from January to March. This was only the public announcment that it had been going on.
As I recall, a few people got contacted, though I don't recall any severe results. But most of us never heard from them.
Some shepherds of their flock, eh? Never hear from them. And they have to have a special campaign to get them to go find their lost sheep. And even then, it lasts 3 months and they go back to business as usual.
You can bet none of them, upon first hearing the idea, said "great idea, why wait until January, let's start now".
Just thought about something else. January to March are some pretty cold months here in the US. Seems to me, field service was always down on cold days. And many elders don't pull their weight for field service as it is.
Maybe this was a way to give them something to do to get their hours up and help keep hours up during cold months.