'Panic At Bethel' (written 6/03)

by sf 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • sunshineToo
    The Watchtower Society is really nothing more than a tin-pot dictatorship Soviet style

    I thought they were more like North Korea. Just like the North Koreans worship thier leader and the party, jws worship their organization.

  • xandra360
    It doesn't say anything in the Kingdom Ministry article about inactive ones having to declare whether they're for or against and having to DA or be DF'ed. The writer of this article completely makes that assumption up himself. Where is he getting his information from?


    No, it does not, that is why the writer refers to rumors. Thanks sKally for the article. I can't understand the feeling I am having after reading this post and others that speak of the same things. I have never DAed nor have been DFed. I oppose their teachings and would never go back. Yet, i feel dread at the prospect of being asked to DA or being DFed. Why? Cassi You're right Cassi, i guess my post does sound panicky. However, I never said I was at a point where I could categorically say I would never go back to being a JW. Yes it is very unlikely but I guess there is always a small part of me that thinks, what is the alternative if it wasn't the truth? I have no problem with DA'ing myself if I'm really convinced there is nothing at all in it, but I just have totally and unequivocally reached that point yet. PS, Can someone tell me how you place previous posts in a box so you can comment on them? At the moment, you can't distinguish what are my comments and what I'm commenting on - sorry I'm a newbie. xandra360

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