To those who have been here since the beginning:
I have been a member JWD for close to 2 years now. I lurked some time before "taking the plunge" LOL. I learned of this site from my Dad, Apostate Director of the Greater Vancouver B.C. Area
In that 2 years, I have learned a bit about people in general, and a lot about JWs, present and past.
When I signed on I was pretty well over the "deep thoughts" process and "research the crap out of everything jwish"
I asked myself the other day, the same question above.
I came up with 3 reasons:
3. We like the comradary with our new cyber friends. CJ and I are pretty well isolated where we live, with regards to XJWs, so to be with people of like mind (most of the time) and share stories is encouraging. As you ALL know. sharing stories of being a JW, with Non-JW's is a lost cause. They just don't get it. So even though we have not met any of you in person, (yet), we have corresponded with some via email chat, and telephone, and felt great afterwards.
2. As you probably noticed I like to laugh, and that is the 2nd reason I stay here and post, and sometimes thread. Share a joke, poke fun (good natured of course) gang up on a troll. I swear we could start up a XJW Yuk-Yuk club and tour the continents. JW humour transcends borders and nationalities. Totally universal it is.
3. The first reason is I stay here is to watch out for the lost souls who stumble in here, and I am able to help directly or indirectly. That gives me some measure of satisfaction, to lesson the sting of having been duped.
So over to you:
Why Are You All Still Here and Why Do You Continue To Post Here ??