My sister who has been here awhile (Ravyn)
Ravyn is your sister? tooooo cool
*mourns her leaving*
Tell her to come back, she might listen to you
by xjw_b12 47 Replies latest jw friends
My sister who has been here awhile (Ravyn)
Ravyn is your sister? tooooo cool
*mourns her leaving*
Tell her to come back, she might listen to you
I'm pretty new here, but have steadily become more and more addicted! My sister Xan got me started, and the rest of y'all kind hearted, funny, irreverent, and intelligent people keep me coming back!!!
One of the main reasons I am here is because I like the company of my beeeeeches
And because I'm one of Brummies beeeeeeeches!!!!
Ravyn is your sister? tooooo cool*mourns her leaving*
Tell her to come back, she might listen to you
no Brummie, she talks of you fondly and often but I tried today and she said if any of my friends want to talk to me they can email -she is stubborn as a mule -LOL!
and Tink:
oh and my comment about being attacked in chatrooms were the MSN/AOL/YAHOO/TALK CITY chats -not in here, though there were a couple strange ones- perhaps not strange PEOPLE but ODD comments that sounded like a couple people were STILL JW in here and active...said I didn't have a clue and left and all... Rav said it was probably ppl who went from JW straight to Born Again or something. It was funny in chat- we were discussing Dorothy from Wizard of Oz being sent up for counsel about her too short dress and materialistic ruby slippers, etc! LOL. I guess I got a little silly myself
oh BTW all: I just wanted you to know because Ravyn worried you might think it but I AM NOT RAVYN AND RAVYN IS NOT ME!! I am her kid sister and I live in NEW JERSEY and she lives in VIRGINIA -I SWEAR TO GOD WE ARE NOT ONE AND THE SAME AND PLAYING GAMES, ok?
Ravyn and I are not much alike altho we tend to say same thing same time!!! Ravyn says PEPSI I say JINX!!!! LOL!
~Kira (REALLY)
oh Brummie:
Ravyn just asked me to let you all know SHE was going to stay for CHAT ONLY but not post but the owner deleted all her accounts
but I don't wanna talk too much about it myself cause I don't wanna get deleted
I stumbled into here a year ago , desperate to hear the voice of sanity. I came via Silentlambs. I even then resisted. I read a lot of posts. Mostly the personal experience posts. Now i have ventured into doctrine. That has been the hardest. I did not want to give up the doctrine. I just felt jws were unloving. Reading the posts from previous elders has been most helpful. JT comes to mind. Gary Busslemn also. Both have been a life saver. I don't think i ever told them that, but i read every word they post and i know they are honest, and trying to help. Having been raised a jw, 3 rd generation, my mind was totally locked to any form of reason.Little by little, this site has helped pry it open and let the light in. I tried explaining to others what it is like to be a jws, but only if u have been ther can u know how duped we all were.
Please don't ever think your posts are overlooked. Someone out there is reading them.
I stay here b/c there are people here that care, the voice of sanity.
Ravyn's duplicate accounts were deleted which are not allowed for anyone.
Her primary account was not deleted until she decided to bad mouth me and my wife and start posting 'selected' personal messages on another forum to try and paint me in a bad light.
This was days after the big dramatic exit and unwillingness to accept the rather obvious reasons given as to why here sexually explicit / obscene post was removed.
Why would I let someone who wants to bad mouth me use my forum resources to do it?!
The decision is not open for discussion.