So proud of this counter that I made!
Very simple yet shows the estimated amount of people that are living that are from the generation of 1914, defined as "all the people who were alive, even just barely being born, when WW1 started".
Here's what I assumed:
10% of the 1.7 billion people alive in 1914 were infants, just children. This means that we start with 170 million babies born in 1914. This is a fairly high number but let's give the witnesses a wide margin.
1% of those 170 million made it to January 1st, 2014, that is 1.7 million people.
People after 100 die at 50% rates per year... so that by January 1st, 2015, there would have been 800 thousand or so.
As of right now, it is at 56,817.
I leave you the link. It updates automatically. You have to wait for like a minute or two for it to go down.