Just came back from seeing La Nouba at Disney in Orlando, What a show! This is my third Cirque Du Soleil and my face hurts from smiling! I plan to do Vegas and see all three shows there! Forget gambling, I'll just hit the different shows! These people are amazing! This shows you what people can do when they put their hearts and minds to good and not trying to come up with better ways to kill one another! Maverick
Cirque Du Soleil La Nouba
by Maverick 15 Replies latest social entertainment
little witch
Maverick, you are sooo lucky!!!
We love the Cirque. We have never got to see one in person, but thank lucky stars for bravo channel. They show them.
Yes, it is a testament to human inginuity. For those who are not familiar, the cirque is an all human talent circus, no animals being abused. No animals at all.
The talent is just extraordinary. It is stunning!
Maverick, did you see the series on tv, about the members, and their practice and all?
I have seen several in Vegas. Great shows, very entertaining.
Little Witch, I sure have seen the shows on TV. The person who took me to the second show I went to knew the cook and we got back stage before the show and we met all of the performers! Most of them are little people like me! They do all their own make-up and have a school on site for their children. They were all very friendly and acted like a family. Some of these people have been in circus families as far back as their family histories can remember, many hundreds of years. Some are taught tricks before they can walk! They are the best of the best Earthwide! Maverick
little witch
yes, stunning abilities.
Anyone who has never seen the cirque is missing out. The clowns are especially funny!
Thanks for starting this thread, Maverick, They deserve the acknowledge, that is for sure.
Stacy Smith
The Cirques are the best shows ever but you have to see them live, TV doesn't do it justice.
little witch
I guess because of the life in dud-dom, most of the folks here are culturally anemic. The WatchTower does not encourage its members to use the world to the full. And even makes Duds feel uncomfortable at sporting events with the flag salute and national anthem. The Arts are Satanic and steeped in pagan rites, so they infer. I always had a hard time with other Duds about any artsy fartsy stuff. And all the art work in my house got a lot of hard looks! Too bad....their loss! Maverick
I guess because of the life in dud-dom, most of the folks here are culturally anemic. The WatchTower does not encourage its members to use the world to the full. And even makes Duds feel uncomfortable at sporting events with the flag salute and national anthem. The Arts are Satanic and steeped in pagan rites, so they infer. I always had a hard time with other Duds about any artsy fartsy stuff. And all the art work in my house got a lot of hard looks! Too bad....their loss! Maverick
Whoa Maverick - you having a bad day? I always enjoy (and look for) your posts, but you seem to be over-generalizing just a tad here.
I was super-dub, special pioneered, served where the need was great, yadayada - but how does that exclude culture? I have never seen any Watchtower articles arguing against symphony orchestras, operas, museum tours, or other such events. I have always attended cultural events and know many dubs who did so also. I don't know where you're from, but maybe it's more a demographic/geographic problem and not related to the WTS' dumb edicts.
Cirque du Soleil originated here in the Province of Quebec, and they have a permanent "big top" in Montreal where they put on their shows every spring. I've been to several, as have many, many dubs here in the area. Many that I know also regularly attend the symphony, support the local theatre, visit museums (Renoir, Picasso and Vuilhard are some of the artists lately featured here), etc.
I also regularly spent my vacation time attending operas at the Met, the Vienna Staatsoper, or the New York City Ballet, Les Grands Ballets Canadiens, etc. And I know I'm not the only dub to enjoy cultural activities.
We can complain legitimately about the WTS all we want, but let's not exaggerate and over-generalize.
Maverick, my husband and I rabid Cirque fans!!! We've got all the soundtracks and have seen Alegria (last month) and Dralion (last year) here in Seattle. When we went to Vegas last week we tried to go see Zumanity but they were all sold out!! Did you see Fire Within on Bravo about the making of their new show Verikai? Its amazing how hard they work and how much they put into giving a magnificent performance. Guy (the founder) is a genius. They definately reinvented the circus fer sure!!