Old JW friend of my wife stoped by.

by dogon 16 Replies latest jw experiences


    I had to keep quiet through all the this old system can not go on much longer.

    Graveyards are filled with Generations of JW`s..

    Who parroted that same WBT$ Crap..

  • Xanthippe
    this old system can not go on much longer

    What they mean is they can't go on much longer. My sister went for a brain scan last week. According to my cousin she has ME, arthritis, fibromyalgia, walks with a stick and has had to leave work. I only hope the brain scan doesn't mean the cancer's back. Good god she's only five years older than me and there's nothing wrong with me, l havn't seen a doctor this year.

    They are exhausted and desperate for a rest. B, if you're lurking on this forum please rest, there's no new system coming, you need to stop letting them work you to death.

  • sparky1

    "I had to keep quiet through all the this old system can not go on much longer" - dogon

    In the Spring of 1974 I was out in service with the kindest, most down to earth Elder you would ever want to meet. He said 'Sparky, hang in there. It won't be too many more months before Armageddon comes.' That Summer I was 'called' to Bethel and he died in the Fall of 1975 while I was still there.

    In the first week of March 2000, my mother was in intensive care in the hospital. She had been in the hospital since November 1999. She said to me 'Sparky, just get me home. I know that Armageddon will be here in a few weeks. I have been watching the news and things can't get any worse.' She died on March 20, 2000 never going home again and never seeing her beloved Armageddon.

    I have been hearing that Armageddon will be here 'any day now' since I was a baby.If I had a dollar for every time I heard that inane phrase, I'd be rich beyond my wildest dreams.

  • steve2

    Seriously, why would anyone accept an invitation to a meal that doesn't include them?

  • S K Ditta
    S K Ditta
    Good god she's only five years older than me and there's nothing wrong with me, l havn't seen a doctor this year.

    Pardon my intrusion. This seems a discussion of a more private nature.

    This comment interests me, as one coming from a person that sees both sides.

    Thank you, for sharing this perspective!

  • Gorbatchov

    @Sparky, I feel much the same anger.

    1995 was for me starting the end game.

    Fxckxing liars 😠


  • dogon

    I know what you mean. I was told back in 75 that we are at the end. I watched as many people moved north to get out of the cities as the end approached. I watched it come and go and nothing happened. I watched as we were told the old system could not go on to the year 2000, as we passed I watched at we were told year after year that it was just around the corner. I left in 95 when the stupid new definition of generation was given. But I have always wondered if the Governing assholes believe in the shit they put out of do they know its shit they are feeding the rank and file cult members? I believe its the latter.

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