TORNAPART- When I exited the JW's in 2003 I felt like a ton of bricks had been lifted off of my shoulders. 44 years from birth and at age 44 I felt much more at ease.
Your question : " How do you live with the fact that you've allowed yourself to be duped despite the fact you know you have a certain amount of intelligence ? "
Easy answer : You learn to forgive yourself by educating yourself about HOW we all got mind controlled by the WT Society. Being under the influence of cult mind control has nothing to do with how intelligent a person is or is not- it has to do with cults like the WT Society promising things in a manipulative way that they cannot deliver or lying to us and appealing to peoples sense of well being or basic instincts like wanting to live forever, never getting sick, living in a pretty paradise , etc. It wasn't OUR fault we got lied to- it was the WT leaders fault that they controlled us and infringed on the boundaries inside our minds.
" How do you cope with seeing ones we love still controlled by it ? " It's not easy, but once you understand mind control you know what things to talk about and what things to refrain from talking about with such ones. It saddens me that some of my family are still deeply mind controlled by the JW cult- but there's not a damn thing you can do about it until THEY are ready to see TTATT. You can be there for them if and when they wake up- but it has to be in their own time and way. Until then you lie low and wait.
" Do you tell everyone you love what you've learned ? " Probably NOT a good idea if " everybody you love " is still a mind controlled JW. You will be judged as a crazy ass apostate and they won't appreciate the truths you are saying because they look at it as " falsehoods ". It will cause disruption and frustration and you'll be beating your head against a brick wall. But if you have non-JW relatives or friends- by all means go tell them everything you know ! It might protect them from getting sucked into the JW cult themselves .
" What if they put up their barriers and don't want to know ? " Then cease and desist telling them you will be wasting your time.
My story is I am a lot closer to my nieces, nephews and son who have exited the JW cult than I am to my fanatic JW relatives. I can be myself around my ex-JW relatives, but can't be real with aggressive JW relatives. That's my story- so I let it be what it is and hang with the people who accept me for who I am. Hope this helps a bit. Good luck to you in your newfound freedom of mind. Freedom is sweet ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper