Thanks for the responses so far. My point of view is not different too. Still willing to see that video.
Do you think the brothers who wrote watchtower articles are living in real world?
by Longlivetherenegades 41 Replies latest watchtower bible
I want to believe it is the apostate rant video by David Splane. Is this correct or it is just one of his other video for the convention?
They not only are not living in the real world. They are not living like true Christians. Jesus said follow my steps closely. Nothing about living in a convent there. -
Bible example: Paul, a bible writer, was not member of the Governing Body, but more of a field worker rubbing shoulders with outsiders.
Is that why Peter said he "finds Paul's writing hard to understand"?
Ding - I often wonder to what extent they believe their own teachings
I wonder this myself. when I became an Elder(tm), I saw the dark side of their corporation. That it was, indeed, only a corporation and not a genuine religion. All fake so the elites get power and money.
I also suspect that their protection of paedos indicates that they themselves are paedos. I hope not. It seems apparent that TOMO3 is a drunk.
They are not living in the real world. They live in a Jimmy Saville - Gary Glitter paradise. They are flith!
The question could as easily be, "Are they living on Venus?" They live by the philosophy of "Do as I say, not as I do." They are so far out of touch with reality, it's like they live in another galaxy.
In their world, there is no cleaning up after oneself or working for a living. They are as well off as any billionaire, traveling first-class, being able to go anywhere in the world on a whim, having someone else to do anything they find unpleasant, and on and on.
Their hierarchy is very rigid, and it's set up so the people at the bottom stay at the bottom, especially women.
Well Mum. I guess there are few billionaires who get up at 06:00-06:15 everyday and have their meal in 20 minutes. So don’t make it bigger than it is. By the way, don’t you think you would get fed up travelling by air every month. Well I have done so (not while in ft service of course) and I hated it,
Lee Marsh
When you live for decades with a sense of entitlement all the perks, including getting up for breakfast and being looking upon from the time you leave your room until you go back to it, and being thought of as the closest to God mast JWs will ever get; well that tends to go to one's head after a while. That is how narcissists think. They are entitled so they do enjoy those things. It is part of their entitlement for the work they do. And working for God gives all of them a sense of entitlement.
Also, when you live in an environment that constantly reinforces those beliefs it is hard to see beyond the veil. If you get a glimpse you most likely condemn yourself for weakness and falling into Satan's trap.
Plus the longer you live this life, the harder it is to let it go even if you don't really believe it. The GB are just people, like everyone else. To become one of the fallen is unthinkable, certainly not doable. They have nothing if their leave, not even the means to support themselves. No pensions in JW dot org.
Lee, the topic was about the writers. The GB does hardly if not at all any writing. I was in a congregation with a Watchtower writer, British, at Brooklyn Heights. No way this brother was living in another world. He knew exactly what was going on in the world and among the youth in this huge (300+ publishers) congregation.
About leaving, the last part of your comments. It is doable, I left missionary-service at 40. Now I would say I was just a kid. But at the moment you decide to leave you feel trapped. Far away from your home country, your family, and the only thing the society does is paying you a one way ticket home (because we did 9 or 10 years). But we did it, it is possible. Especially if you work in the USA in your own country. But you need balls.
Ding said " I often wonder to what extent they believe their own teachings."
I came to the firm conviction,years ago, that most of the Writing Dept. and the Legal Dept. do NOT believe to any extent. Some not at all, it is just a cushy life and Career.
The Writing Dept, because it has always, and still does, use Mind Control and Loaded language etc.etc. If they believed it was the Truth, they would not have to do this, they are like lying Politicians in this.
The Legal Dept, if they believed they served a loving God, they would not spend their time trying to help in the cover up and protection of paedophiles, and making sure that the poor Victims suffer again, by limiting any rightful compensation as much as they can, to save the Org. from paying what they should.
These two Departments, along with the G.B are Disgusting and Evil. But J.W's think it is "the truth" and god's Org.