LDS statistics, by extension, may suggest that the JWs could be bigger with a more engaged membership.

by joe134cd 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    Ive always maintained there isn’t a lot of differences in numbers between the two faiths.

    Wrong there are 1.2 million JWS in the US, there are 6.5 million Mormons in the US.

    The differences between the two religions is that the JWS are spread out over many countries where the LDS is not.

    Mormons have 15 million world wide.

    Being that the JWS have been proselytizing door to door for new members since 1935 it should be accepted the JWS growth rate over all is an utter failure in luring in new members to the religion.

  • joe134cd

    You think anyone is going to listen for hour about the Mormon growth rate in the last 20 years ?

    Well if you are going to blind your self to the facts of the matter. Or don’t have time for critical thinking. I’m sorry, but there isn’t really much else I can do for you. This maybe a result of your upbringing as a JW. IDK.

    JWS drop out of the organization meaning a poor retention rate.

    This could be true. That been said they are still do 100% better than the LDS, who are also losing significant numbers.

  • joe134cd

    Finkelstein - Please you need to view that video before you speak.

    Wrong there are 1.2 million JWS in the US, there are 6.5 million Mormons in the US.

    This is true, but I don’t think you are understanding the methodology here. The 6.5 mill LDS figure is a maximum rather than a minimum figure. Although they identify as a Mormon is no indication of their involvement.

    The 1.2 JW figure is a minimum rather than a maximum in that it doesn't include the members children or interested ones.

    If you were wanting to get a truer comparison, it would be the number of temple recommend holders. These are full tithing, and practicing the tenants of the faith. This would be comparable to a publisher. Unfortunately the church dose not publish these numbers, and for good reason. i would suggest that the number of temple recommend holders would be significantly less than the 6.5 mill figure. What ever the case we will never know.

    Now this is where the maths kicks in.I apologise but I made a mistake about lds involvement being at 33%. This is not correct, as its 30%.

    6.5 mill lds x 30% = 1.9 million. Like I said above those willing to part with their money could be even less.

    Most census data would suggest that those identifying with the JWs is twice that of the publisher rate. I’ll be conservative here and say that it’s 50% higher.

    1.2 JW x 50% = 1.8 mill JW

    Weather you choose to accept the offical 1.2 jw or the 1.8 mill jw. They are certainly in competitive range of each other. When you consider the USA is in the home of Mormonism I think the JWs have done significantly well, Go out side the USA, and that is where the JWs dominate.

    Mormons have 15 million world wide.

    15 mill x 30% = 4.5 mill active lds

    JW service report 8 - 9 million publishers.

    There really is no argument.

  • Finkelstein

    Just because Mormons men and woman, dont go out door to door proselytizing doesn't mean they are not registered and accounted church going Mormons.

    That's the point your missing.

    You could say the JWS have more publishers theoretically, that doesn't mean they have an equal amount of practicing members than what the Mormon faith has.

  • joe134cd

    Bear in mind that being counted as a member is widely different between the 2 faiths. Ok let’s say the activity rates for 9 mill publishers was at 50%. In other words only 1/2 could be bothered to turn up every Sunday.

    9mill x 50% = 4.5 million

    This is exactly the same as the Mormon count. I think this highlights the effectiveness of their proselytising, considering moronisms had a 50 year head start.

    What ever your opinion, there isn’t much separating the 2 faiths with regard to membership. It could also be argued as to the success of the preaching work. The results can’t be seen in the short term, but it has paid off I’m the long run.

    In my opinion this idea of the Mormon church been bigger, through doing less, and appearing less culty, just isn’t true. I think it may also testify to effectiveness of decades of preaching.

  • joe134cd

    Just because Mormons men and woman, dont go out door to door proselytizing doesn't mean they are not registered and accounted church going Mormons.

    That is a true statement as well. Ok, let’s look at it this way. The LDS general conference, which is comparable to the JW memorial, had a world wide attendance of 20 million. The JW memorial attendance, is around the same. This would anecdotally support the idea that the 2 religions membership are about the same. When you consider that the LDS had a 50 year head start on the JWs. It would suggest how successful the JW proselytising methods have been. True, over the short term,and particularly in this present environment, the results may be some what ambiguous. But when looked at over the long term, very impressive. In that, they were able to close a 50 year gap with their religious competitor. I would put it to you, that they may also have more members, who are more engaged. Those sorts of numbers, with that kind of customer base, would be impressive even buy Microsoft/Apple computer standards.

  • TD
    The LDS general conference, which is comparable to the JW memorial...

    In what way are they comparable?

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