Ayn Rand is mine. Just wondering so I can find a new book or books to read *smiles*
Who is your favorite author?
by Happythoughts 77 Replies latest watchtower bible
I like Ayn Rand a lot. Favorite: Dean Koontz
I have a few Ayn Rand books, but I haven't had the time to sit down and read them. I have 3 other books to finish first.
I used to like reading James Harriot a lot, along with Erma Bombeck. That was years ago.
David Sedaris
: Ayn Rand is mine. Just wondering so I can find a new book or books to read *smiles*
A very good friend of mine is considered one of the top (if not the top) world experts on Ayn Rand and objectivism. He is also an expert on Isabel Paterson who was a friend of Rand during a big part of her life. At least with them, Russia gave this Country some real literary treasures.
Of course, most Rand fans and most experts think "The Fountainhead" was her best work.
I thought it was a book about how to decorate your garden or how some females pleasure themselves, so I skipped it.....
*Kaching* rim-shot for fark
I like all the books Fred Franz wrote myself. They were some of the best fiction novels on the market.
Paolo Coelho
micky zuchart-reichart, anne mcaffery, timothy zahn, R A Salvatore, jennifer roberson, ben bova, fred saberhagen ohhhhhh the list does go on........