Sound familiar? Doesn't it bother you how JW's think that just by saying the work "jehovah" it will ward off anything evil? You've heard it all, yelling "jehovah" can exorcise, prevent rape and robbery and the list goes on. Its a JW superstition (one that is approved by the WT). Why do you think this is?
"All those who call on the name of Jehovah..."
by ignorance is strength 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don't know. I said "jehovah" and I turned into an apostate.
Wait a minute......maybe it did work!
yelling "jehovah" can exorcise, prevent rape and robbery and the list goes on.
Yes, and they say it can even ward off demonic attacks! As you mentioned, JW's are an extremely superstitious people (despite their claims to the contrary), especially when it comes to invisible spirit forces!
And their reasoning is the Bible proverb that says "The name of Jehovah is a strong tower. Into it the righteous (one) runs and is given protection." They take that proverb quite literally, so that by verballizing the divine name, that somehow Jehovah and/or the angels will drop what they were doing and come form an impenetrable shield around you (if you have been doing enough service time lately).
I don't think they give jesus enough credit on this that in the new testament the apostles were exercising demons in the name of jesus . I would be interested in hearing some stories from anyone that use the name jehovah and were delivered from evil .
In the nt, jesus is called on, but never jehovah. Jehovah doesn't appear there even one time, in the greek. Maybe the dubs are a 13th tribe, or something.
A Paduan
"every one who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved."
not sure about jehovah
When I was getting bullied in high school - as long as I prayed to Jehovah the bullies would ignore me. It's true. But the instant I stopped silently praying, they'd begin their assault. And when I'd start again, they'd leave me alone.
Weird, but true. Happened all year long. Gym class, eighth and seventh grades. Locker room. Yikes.
Ignorance is Strength:
I think you should double check that name.
Cheeses, had it covered more precisely in this post:
I remember wondering about this - an article in the mags once said that some JWs during WW2 hid their mags and typewriter in the oven (I think?) and the Nazis looked in the oven but didn't see them???? And all because the JWs called on Jehovah to help.
I used to think - why doesn't it work for me? Whenever I pray, I feel nothing, as if I am just talking to myself. I use the name Jehovah but my prayers are still ignored. I have called to Jehovah to help me on many occasions but still nothing.
I was interested to read what you said, czarofmischief, that using Jehovah's name kept the bullies at bay. That's such a strange experience. I wish I could pray like that. Maybe I am just too far gone to be helped.
It was wierd - but here's my take on it. getting prayers to work has NOTHING to do with how "far gone" you are. I'm a drunk, a drug user, a (until last saturday, when I got married) fornicator living in sin, addicted to caffeine, suicidal, blasphemer, violent on occasion, I love horror flicks (as you can tell by my avatar). According to the WT, I'm so far gone as to be unforgivable. Screw them and their judgements.
God has the name Jehovah, and it works for me - it's part of my relationship with him. I need a masculine, powerful, protector, warrior-king type of god. What kind of God do you need? Remember, he promised to become "all things to everyone" so maybe he'll become something you really want.
Maybe he has another name that you could use when you pray? Use Zeus, or Allah, or Benji the Wonderdog - he'll become it if it's what you need, I think.
Your relationship with God has to be so personal you are kind of embarrassed about it, like saying "I love you" to your father, or something. So think about it. Reach out, really reach out - not according to the formulae handed to you by some disgusting old geezer pervert in Brooklyn, but according to what you have felt and known and experienced in your life. You know where your gaps are, and maybe that's where you should start looking for God?
Just a thought. Sorry to rant on, but it makes me upset when I see a statement like "I'm too far gone". That's WT doublespeak.