Mulan, all I did was post the newsletter from silentlambs. If you have any questions, I would check with the silentlambs group at the website. It may be news to some and old news to others.
by blondie 33 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Mulan, all I did was post the newsletter from silentlambs. If you have any questions, I would check with the silentlambs group at the website. It may be news to some and old news to others.
Pardon me, but I'd say 'this' is somewhat of a 'newsflash':
I am happy to report a start in that direction. Recently silentlambs received a check from World wide work money in the amount of $877.26 to pay for my expenses in the deposition I attended back in May.
WTBTS money?
Now that I think about it, isn't this where all the
Hmmmm, I'm not liking the way things are appearing regarding
If I remember right, Bill wrote about being made to attend depositions at WT's request/demand. It was quite expensive for him.
Since they requested his presence..........they are re-imbursing him for his expenses.
Makes absolute common sense.
Thanks for the update on this case. Even when cases are dismissed for various reasons, the publicity about the Watchtower Society and its cruel policies are given wide distribution. This makes the public very aware of how careless and unchristian this organization is. It is this kind of exposure that makes the leaders very uncomfortable. And while they sit in their "ivory towers" at Bethel, it is obvious to all that Bill Bowen and others in the Silent Lamb movement as well as the victims themselves have made a real difference!
Thanks for this update blonie. This reminds me of the real world politics that the WTS has always been involved with and truly care nothing for the victims they suppress.
But my quest(ions) went unanswered, as usual around here.
..........they are re-imbursing him for his expenses.
Who's money, ultimately??
sKally, its not about answering the questions, its about questioning the answers klass
Keeping this @the top for some solid answers.
Skally, since Bill Bowen does not monitor this board, send any questions to
Thanks blondie. I'm well aware of where Bill can be 'reached'; when he wants to be. Thanks again.
Yet, this is an inquiry for anone other than Bill. As they too know where Bill's re-imbursement was distributed from. Bill does not need to be here to reply. He has you. Incidently, why doesn't he post this 'stuff' here directly so that we CAN ask questions? Oh yea, I gotta write him to ask him even THAT!
Maybe I'll just call him and ask him and then call Ray and ask Ray if he knows.
When it comes to WTBTS money, why are there no straight answers out there??
Skally, my relationship with Bill is no more than you have, through his newsletter on I have no inside information nor any more access than anyone else on this DB. I have never had any direct contact with Bill. There are a few on this DB that have who participated in the march in Brooklyn and some other vigils. Perhaps they might have some information.
I post the newsletters because I know some here are interested in what is being done to deal with the abuse issue in the WTS and may forget to check the silentlambs site or may not be aware of it. If anyone wants more info, then it is best to contact him directly.