What trap? If you did not enjoy pioneering then your heart was never in it.
by TMS 29 Replies latest jw friends
What trap? If you did not enjoy pioneering then your heart was never in it.
I fell for it hook, line and sinker TMS. As a young bloke I finished school early to regular pioneer. (averaged 120 hours/month for several years) It really mucked up my life career wise. Those words 'make room' pressed a bad button man! - Thanks
SirFRED: What about you? Ever pioneered? In my experience the only ones praising it have never done it - not for long anyway.
Pioneering was the best time of my life.
Hey Fredhall,
For one thing, there is no support in the Scriptures for different "classes of service". Even the Jews and Gentiles that left Eqypt were held to the same standards. In fact, I believe God's word even condemns "class distinctions". Maybe you should LOOK INTO your bible once in a while... and stay away from us "apostates"...
Also, if we are "bad associations", then you are violating God's advice thru Paul to the Corinthians: "Bad associations spoil useful habits". Of course, that assumes you have SOME useful habits to START with... :-)
Not a sermon... just a thought...
Jesus was one of the biggest apostates of all time. Just ask a Jew.
There is no report in the Bible of how much Jesus preach. But he did it day and night.
EXACTLY MY POINT!! Now, if Jesus, the second greatest individual in the universe, a perfect man, our Great Teacher didn't even assume to take on ANY titles (seems he didn't even want to be called "rabbi"), then why should someone only preaching 70 hours a month do so?? ;-)
I used to Aux pioneer once a year during April or May. It was always a bit of a mad time getting the hours in at weekends etc. I recall making arrangements to pioneer with this married brother who somewhat ignorantly decided to pioneer with another married sister........He got his hours in alright...................! Usually on top of her... They got reproved subsequently.
I thought I might pioneer with her the next year, she obviously could arouse interestand could make her main points stand out, but alas.......she got divorced and DA'd herself, before I could have the pleasure......!
I tried being a Vacation Pioneer once, after I was out of high school. I think I was supposed to get 60 hours in that month, but being somewhat lazy and having no one else to work the territory with on weekdays, I only made a little over 30 hours. It was pretty discouraging, traipsing up and down all those streets by myself.
However, I envied other young brothers with JW families who encouraged them in the Pioneer work. One fellow my age (a little on the "worldly" side) upon high school graduation was offered complete maintenance by his parents--room, board, car, gas, clothing, and spending money--if only he would Pioneer! He wouldn't do it, though--all he really cared about was being a gas jockey at the Gulf station and dirt-biking on weekends.
How I wished I could take his place! All my "ignorant" old worldly mom would do for me was pay for a college education--which I didn't want. She was tolerant of my JW beliefs, but the no-college thing really pushed her buttons. I eventually did get my degrees after leaving the WT, but at a greater cost, involving a huge sacrifice on Mom's part. She never, complained, though--and now she's gone, and I can't make it up to her. Sorry, Mom--thanks for all your love.
Which is why it burns me up to hear the WT has gotten "new light" on college now.
"If we all loved one another as much as we say we love God, I reckon there wouldn't be as much meanness in the world as there is."--from the movie Resurrection (1979)
Jesus was an apostate, Fred
Since it is a relative term (you have to stand against
some religious authority), he was an apostate relative to
the hard-core Pharisees