first off, may I echo (ie, quote) Teejay's post?
i think it is very important not to CONFUSE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WITH the "Gov" sorta like confusing the avg jw, sister old or sister single parent with the Society
the same as the avg jw has very little if anything to do with Policy, the avg Citizen here in america has very little to do with the Actual making of "Policy"
That being said, I think it's very true that the world looks to the USA to solve its problems, then criticizes everything your country does. The comments on this thread really made me think about that, and you are right!! Thanks for showing me that perspective more clearly.
As far as the comments I made earlier, I feel that this problem is not unique to the USA. Often, when we get involved in political discussions, it comes down to bashing the USA, and I don't like it.
My country, Canada, is going down the same, sorry road. We are losing our universal health care, poverty is rampant, homelessness is increasing. We have a history with the aboriginal people that we need to be ashamed of. We turned away boatloads of Jews during the Holocaust. Our mentally ill are living in extreme poverty. Homeless people are not being cared for (2 homeless men froze to death in MY CITY last winter ). I am not proud of the way things are going in my country, either.
I don't like the way some of my neighbours talk about other cultures, thinking we are better. Maybe we don't have women being stoned in the village square, but rape and partner abuse are rampant! You would be surprised at how many women are killed by their partners. So, it may not be as 'newsworthy' as the case in Nigeria, but we are doing things here that are just as bad.
My opinion is, and only my opinion, that maybe if 'we', and I mean North Americans and all those who live in so-called 'developed' countries with 'freedom', would own up to our own frailties, and look in the mirror, it would be a good thing.
How do we take the world focus from making bucks to making a better earth? Good question, why don't we start discussing that? Why don't we start debating about that, attacking the powers that be? Remember the Boston Tea Party? That was all about fighting an unfair tax, about rebelling against the empire. Haven't most of us just left an evil empire of greed? Gosh, let's not be brainwashed by Big Brother into believing our way is better than others' - let's not forget that people are neglected in our society, and by the thousands if not the millions.
And do I feel 'America' is 'damned if we do, damned if we don't'?
Well, it would be nice if you realized that the USA is not all there is to 'america' - there's Canada and Mexico here in North 'America', and there's also Central 'America', and South 'America', so you're not the only 'americans' around. We are 'americans', too, you don't own the western Hemisphere.
And, your country is not the 'best', we're all equal, but different. If you think you're the best, fine, just don't try to convince the rest of the world and then stamp your feet and yell 'foul' when we don't agree.