Does anyone know what year the JWs first started using The New World Translation and what Bible was used before that? Thanks.
What year was New World Translation first used?
by Double Edge 22 Replies latest watchtower bible
refiners fire
1961 ??
The NWT was released in fragments starting in mid 1950's, and each fragment was produced as a separate book. The later testament was first. Later they were all combined into one book, so book sales were maybe 5 times what they would have been if they had waited until the revisions were all done and just one book was published. They printed the fragments on thicker paper to make the books look like they were worth the asking price. The common bible used before the NWT was the American Standard Version. The Watch Tower Publishing Corporation printed and distributed that version too. -
garybus I disagree with you -- they tende to use the King James not the American Satndard version -- they do have a legal (well out of copywrite of course) set of printing plates for the King James - they used to print that and that was the main transaltion used -- but yes the American Standard version was also used -- 1950 was the year of release of the first (but incomplete) NWT -- Christain Greek only
The first edition of the Greek bible was copyrighted and released in 1950. It was changed and re-released in 1951. The Hebrew bible was released in five fragments from 1953 until 1960. There were six fragments in all and then they combined them and printed a seventh version on tissue paper for a total of seven profit items.
That project gave them guaranteed book sales all through the 50's. It's profits probably paid for half of those Brooklyn buildings. It was a great marketing idea. GaryB -
now I agree with you garybus
I don't have a copy of the KJV printed by the Watch Tower Printing Corporation nor have I ever seen one. Could you give me the dates they printed it?
I do happen to have a copy of the ASV printed by the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation though and I can assure all that is the version used here in Sioux Falls South Dakota before the NWT and during it's progressive releases. There is no print date in this copy but it is a modern hard cover book in very good condition printed on tissue paper and I'd say it was from the 1940's or 1950's.
They liked the ASV because it used the word Jehovah in the Hebrew Bible. GaryB
El Kabong
My old green bible has a copyright date of 1961.
But, It got me thinking, I seem to remember them publishing another translation of the bible in the 1970's called The Living Bible.
Does anybody remeber that one? What ever happened to that translation?
El Kabong
....Or was it called the Bible in Living English?
"As to the Old Testament name of God, certainly the spelling and pronunciation "Jehovah" were originally a blunder."
(The Bible in Living English, 1972, p.7, Watch Tower Bible And Tract Society Of Pennsylvania)