My Disassosiation?

by shamus 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • shamus

    I have been thinking a lot since I posted my experience about leaving the troof. If you haven't read it already, it's here:

    Anyhoo, I am wanting to disassosiate myself from those pricks now. (after much thinking). They don't know where I am or what I'm doing, or anything. They're not after me. Which is why I want to do this.

    It is the opposite of what they want. They don't want me gone. They don't care. But I do. I want them to read my Da letter in front of that whole Kindumb hall, so that the members can be shocked! It would send ripples throughout where I was from, because I was so well liked until my depression got me. (I realize that they won't read my letter to the congregation, but will announce that I DA'd myself).

    Any thoughts on what my letter should say / not say? I am very interested to know here... I want to send a message to all those elders who did not care. I want people to know that I hate what they did to me and that I hate their religion.


  • drwtsn32

    They won't read your letter in front of everyone...they'll just say you have DA'd yourself. I don't know if that'll make any difference to you or not.

    Personally I don't respect their authority and don't want to play by their rules by DA'ing myself. IMO they want people to DA themselves. I don't think they like it when people slip through the cracks.

    I do understand that some people DA themselves for closure or other reasons. More power to ya!!

  • shamus


    I totally understand that they won't read the letter; I just want them to know what I think of their crummy organization. For all they know, I am happily knocking on doors right now, being witless.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Say what you feel Shamus. It's your experience and the words need to be your own. I would start by talking about how they've treated you.

    Are you going to send a copy to Brooklyn? It might be fun to send a few copies to the media. You never know.

  • shamus


    That is an awesome idea! The media!

    It would suck if they did a story on it, but what the hell. How about other religions?

    Any other thoughts?

    I want my disassosiation to be as unsettling to those arseholes as possible.

  • shamus


    Any other ideaz???

  • bikerchic

    Shamus I totally understand where you are coming from and I think it would be a good thing for you to DA yourself and write them a letter. It would help you put some closure on it and at the very least at least you've had you say.

    The only suggestion I can give you in writing it is maybe do a search on this site, many have posted their DA letters and they may give you some ideas.

    Good luck!

    KateVisit Smiley Central!

  • Elsewhere

    You don't seem to have anything to loose and only things to gain...

    You get to increment their DA statistics by one and you also get to make every member of your old congregation stop and think for a moment.

  • willy_think

    If you want it to be read, Post it in the local newspaper of your old KH as an open letter to the WT.

    You could mail copes to the people you feal should know, first hand, just why you are doing what you are.

    Your letter of disassociation is only a "form letter" in the Bethel Corp. if you do send in the letter, I hope you are doing it for your own peace of mind.

  • DocBob


    I wrote a letter and sent it to 70 of my old JW friends. In it, I specifically stated that I was not disassociating because I saw no Biblical reason to. When the elders called and invited me to meet with them to face charges of apostacy, I sent them a 5 page legal letter.

    You can read them both on my site at

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