If you had a mailing list of the congregation, you could mail your DA letter to detail...and to the local media as a "Letter to the Editor".
by shamus 23 Replies latest jw experiences
If you had a mailing list of the congregation, you could mail your DA letter to detail...and to the local media as a "Letter to the Editor".
I would try to send a copy of the letter to any JW that I cared about, so that they can read the reasons.
You said that you had moved; if you are close enough to drive, you could have flyers on everyone's car for all to see when they leave the meeting. All the brothers and sisters that make a quick exit would get to see one anyway. Let the elders, clean up and explain that. But I guess a more professional way would be to put it in the newspaper.
I read your experience and found it very similar to my own. I sent them my DA letter in June. When I think about it now, I wish I sent it to all the witnesses I knew, so they could know why I was leaving. Consider sending your letter to all the dubs you know, as it may serve as a wake up call to someone. If it makes even one person think twice about staying in the borg, it's worth it.
Fabulous idea, an open letter in the newspaper. Love it and it would definitely shake things up. If you do it make sure you post it here for us.
You might want to write your story and send it to the local daily paper. That way you have broken your ties and maybe warned a thousand others at the same time. Then a week after the article runs mail the JWs your DA letter and a copy of the newspaper article. Just thoughts from . . . GaryB
Hi Shamus,
Hmm...(think, thinking?)
I can only tell you my experience.
The elders disfellowshipped my husband and I before we were ready.. and that is what upset me the most. For me, that felt like they had taken all the control and powere away from me.. a bullying issue. It was like being bullied on the school playground...except this time is was by men in suits.
If I could have done it my way, I would have like to be in the position that you are now. Which is in the postion of CONTROL.
You have a choice and you have CONTROL of how this happens... They have not taken all the POWER out of your hands.
I would personally go for what ever gives you the BEST FEELINGS, the most POWER, and the most of CONTROL over your life and .. future.
your friend
Special K
I have thought about my disassociation a lot since coming to this board. Did I do the right thing? Should I have just walked away with no explanation? Should I have finished fading?
After pondering all of this I have come to my personal opinion that in my case it was good for several reasons.
I would have been disfellowshipped, eventually. There was no hiding the changes from my family anymore. I would be shunned no matter what I did.
I no longer wanted to be known as a Jehovah's Witness. I wanted a fresh start and a clean break. I didn't need any more drama in my life and didn't want a long drawn out process of dealing with elders, etc.
In sending a disassociation letter, they announce to the congregation that you are disassociated. This means that you chose to leave. This sends a very strong message to the others in the congregation who may be doubting. I know that when I was a JW, hearing that someone was disfellowshipped always brought up the question in my mind "What was that person caught doing?" When they announced their disassociation, I wondered. "Why would they leave Jehovah's Organization? What's going on here?"
So upon reflection, I am happy with my decision. It was right for me.
Tammy :-)
When I was disfellowshipped from the congregation, I sent a letter to every family in the congregation explaining my reasons for leaving and informing them of the treatment I received from the elders. I never had a response from anyone...but did have the satisfaction to have the last word.
Thanks again for the advice, everyone!
I am going to do it!!! In the next few days I will be typing out a letter here. I may need everyone's input here, if you would like to help.... would really, REALLY appreciate any editing that you think I should say.
This is going to be fun and fun and fun!!!