Fate, predestination and soulmates are all hooey! Your life is what you make it and if you believe otherwise I feel sorry for you.
That's your opinion, and you're welcome to it. Yet you state it dogmatically, as if it were fact.
I'll happily fight for your right to express your opinion, but excuse me if I'm a little tetchy if you don't afford others the same respect
Besides, supposing you were fated to spend your whole life on the couch in front of a computer screen...
Whether it's some kind of incredible series of coincidences, or some kind of guiding "power", I have to come down on the side of believing that some things are beyond our control.
As for "soul mates", no I don't believe in them. I believe some people are far more compatible than others, but the idea that there's only one in the whole wide world would leave me depressed, pondering needles and haystacks.