Claims 1
God is all knowing.
Claim 2God is all powerful.
Is it possible for God to change his mind without proving those two assumptions incorrect?
Ps - if God does change his mind frequently - then does that prove God is really a she?
by Dimples 24 Replies latest jw friends
Claims 1
God is all knowing.
Claim 2God is all powerful.
Is it possible for God to change his mind without proving those two assumptions incorrect?
Ps - if God does change his mind frequently - then does that prove God is really a she?
Could you use some of your inside information and find out WHERE I am going to die - so that I don't go there.
Thanks in advance,
The jury is still out.
See, now if I confessed to having that kind of infiormation, they'd bump me off!
(Just avoid the stairs, ok?)
I do have some angel-dust I could sell you though (it's like RedBull, but lower in calories)...
hhhmmm I guess I believe in fate but not predestination....I feel that some people are ment to come into your life....but I don't feel your entire life is make choices that vary your life...but regardless of those choices certain people will come into your life...I guess kind of like that movie "sliding doors".
works for me anyway.........