The audacity of this woman<Explative>

by SheilaM 18 Replies latest social family

  • SheilaM

    Most of you know that my Mother passed away on September 12. The woman that was caring for here FAILED to disclose some information and outright lied and deceived us.

    She claimed my Mother was scared of her reflection and THAT was why in my Mothers china cabinet she had put papertowels over the glass.

    Well, after my Mother died Carolyn showed up and told my sister "by the way I can't accept the Christmas gift you sent me in December. She is a GOD **** JW she claims ex but I don't believe her. She took my Mom's bible out of the livingroom and she also took all the angels etc. and put them in the china closet so she couldn't look at them THIS WAS MY MOTHER'S HOME HOW DARE SHE

    I also found from an Aunt that my Mom had told her that Carolyn took her to the Kingdom Hall, now knowing my family this might not be true but what if it is. This Aunt said my Mom was upset and told her if you try to take me in I'll scream. ERRRRRRRRRR

    Carolyn's Mom had NEVER acknowledged my step-dad but now she is waving saying HI I am so scared they are going to take advantage of his grief and try to lure him in.

    I feel so betrayed that a dub a DUB was caring for my Mother and didn't let anyone know MY MOTHER would have freaked out if she hadn't been ill to know this person was in her home. She knows how they treated me and my family and hated them OH MY GOD....

  • caspian



  • StinkyPantz


    Sorry about this lady's deception. . .what a bitch.

  • Gadget


  • berylblue


    I am sorry, I did not know about your mother. My deepest sympathies.

  • SheilaM

    Thank you all...I just feel deceived and I wonder if she is going to try to love bomb my step dad

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    No doubt she views it as theocratic warfare. I've met Witnesses like this who think nothing of deceiving others.

    I have no doubt in believing she got some perverse and self-righteous thrill out the experience. And yes, there is always an eye on recruitment, especially when someone is most vulnerable.

    The pathology and mind set of this person, and people like her is frightening. Their "morality" is twisted.

    I'm sorry to hear this Sheila. You've got a right to be angry.

  • Yerusalyim

    One way to handle it is to go kick the JW Bitch's a$$ and set her straight...and back a notch or two...warn her off step dad...and warn step dad too. Then again, I'm a soldier and believe that sometimes violence does work.

  • frenchbabyface

    (((SHEILA))) like you said GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !!!!!!!



    I'm so sorry that you were subjected to this kind of treatment. You deserved better. It is hard enough to lose your mother without the jw control entering into the picture.



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