The audacity of this woman<Explative>

by SheilaM 18 Replies latest social family

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    (((SheilaM))) Your Mom couldn't speak? Seems like she made it pretty clear to your Aunt what was going on....I'm wondering why no one in the fam attempted to clear this disturbing turn of events up before it got so out of hand....

    Sorry about your Mom, Sheila....


    Frannie B

  • SheilaM

    Frannie: Mom had alzheimers so her lucidity came and went. So I am not sure why Mom couldn't tell someone before, I do know that Carolyn was there when Mom got phone calls so I don't know if that kept her from telling us or not. I do know that Carolyn lied about reasons she got rid of the crosses and bible and stuff. So there are a lot of unanswered questions

  • Panda

    Sheila, I am so so sorry about the rotten caregiver your mom had. The big A(alzheimers) may have protected her from too much of the stress related to the F******ing jw.

    I'm with Yeru.. kick ass you'll feel better and the dub will be warned. WHo knows she may have been trying to get your mom to give an inheritance to WTS... thieves... liars....

    This woman at least needs a talking to, or maybe a letter to the local newspaper about someone trying to force your Mom into a cult?

  • Xandria

    (( Shelia ))

    Aren't these people just grand... ( yes there is a huge amount venom in that). When my mom was dying she had a "dub" visit her too.. just to reinforce the JW Mantra.


  • Cassiline

    I'm sorry about your mother Shelia. Hugs to you. I may not jump up and down hating this woman from what I just read here. As long as she cared for your mother well, then I feel this is a good thing. Taking her to a hall aginst her wishes was wrong, moving her belonings was wrong. The way I see it if she were taken care of her to your families satisfaction and your mothers then thats what counts IMO.

    Her deceptions about her faith if there is one I can't understand. Why would she lie about being a JW? For money or to try to convert your parents? Did you ask her before hiring her if she was one? Her behaviour here has me mysified. If she lied because she needed the job for income I feel for her, and I am sorry you were decieved. If she did indeed lie to you I would sure as hell tell the elders in her hall she lied to you and others about being a witness. I would love to see how she explains that one!

    I am again so very sorry your Mother passed.

    Please know you are in my thoughts..


  • avishai

    I'm w/ Yeru on this one, Punch her @#$%^ing lights out.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    I do know that Carolyn was there when Mom got phone calls so I don't know if that kept her from telling us or not.

    Yup...that would do it, Sheila.....I've taken care of PLENTY of Alzheimer's patients and their lucidity kicks in when they're confronted with something of this sorry.... hope you get your questions answered, but I doubt Carolyn's answers will sad...

    Frannie B

  • SheilaM

    Thank you all...I am just so disturbed that a dub was caring for my Mom and I mean how friggin weird ya know. My Mom has never stepped in a Kingdom Hall and they are the reason she moved away from us because they kept pushing me to convert her ya know. I am so glad she met Max but I wish she had been there for her grandchildren

  • Odrade

    Was the woman an "unskilled" helper, or a licensed nurse practitioner or RN? You may have a little more power than you think. All of these actions should be reported to the licensing board or the help agency who sent her out. Contact her employers. Her behavior was not only inappropriate, but unethical, and other concerned parties should be notified.



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