We have a niece who lives with a man and both are on welfare. She got pregnant, high risk pregnancy, and had the best local university hospital and medical care. FREE.
Another friend of ours has two unmarried under-employed (loser) daughters. In the past 2-3 years, both have gotten pregnant and had babies, all expenses paid for by State Medicaid (welfare).
All three get "food stamps" (more welfare) and free medical care (for God knows how many years) and one of them gets free or reduced housing (HUD).
Let's not forget though -- none of this is FREE. I just completed my income taxes. Despite the "Trump Tax Cut" that dramatically increased family deduction amounts, I paid more taxes than last year. (I thought only the rich were to pay more?) It's easy to see who is paying for the "socialized freebies" for all these lazy losers. (ME for one.)
Since when was it decreed that medical care is a "right" that you do not have to pay for yourself? Or free/reduced housing? Or even free food? They all have iphones (newer than mine) and cable TV and all smoke cigarettes (at $5.50/pack), and at least one of them is a regular pot smoker.
Why does "society" feel that the people who have chosen to be responsible in life and who have planned ahead, paid for insurance for emergencies, worked (maybe two jobs) to support themselves, should pay for all of these expenses for the irresponsible and lazy?