When I was a kid in the early 1970's, I remember assemblies being longer thatn they are now, but because I was little, I do'nt remember. Also, I've heard in the 50's & 60's they were even longer. How long were they? Also, It seems that we used to have intermissions of about 15 min. on sundays between the talk & the watchtower study. Anybody remember this?
Looong assemblies.
by avishai 24 Replies latest jw friends
i remember assemblies that were at least 4 or 5 days long and some went into the evening...7 or 8 or 9 pm....pity those that had kids or a partner that wasnt a witness
Oh I dunno, Sundays always seemed to be over by 5pm
Saturdays were a LONG haul. I remember watching the drama in the dark
Way back in the 'glamorous presidential era' with folk like Russel, Big Joey Rutherford and Nathan Knorr, the assemblies used to be for up to 5 days, about 10 hours a day.
I can remember 4 day assemblies in the 80s. They used to have one of the afternoons set asid for people to go on the ministry if they wanted to get more time in. We always used to leave the sessions with those going on the ministry, then go and visit relatives who lived near the convention. I don't know if there was still talks on for everyone else that afternoon or not. Probably counsel on why they weren't out in the ministry and they should do more!!!
It seems that we used to have intermissions of about 15 min. on sundays between the talk & the watchtower study.
We used to go my grandparents caravan in the scottish borders every school holidays and attended the Berwick-upon-Tweed congregation who still done this in the 80s too.
I remember 7 day assemblies back in the 50s. They were all day and up to 9:00 at night. There was a break at noon for dinner for an hour or two. I wish I had an assembly program from those days. Anyone out there seen one?
Ken P.
PS: After reading Blues comment I realized Sun>Sun was eight days, so I remember 8 day assemblies in NYC.
The longest marathon that I can remember was eight days , Sunday to Sunday. Was that the year that I slept in a marquee tent in the grounds at Twickenham?
Ah the pleasures of a miss spent youth!
I remember the 70's when we had 7 days and the food lines were under tents standing up as you ate.The days were very long and tiring ,not refreshing at all.
Probably counsel on why they weren't out in the ministry and they should do more!!!
I remember deliberately not going out in service during conventions for what seemed a perfectly theocratic reason: The territory was never in my congregation's territory, so I would have no chance of making return visits on anyone I contacted.
Dunno why it never occurred to me that someone else would be assigned to follow up. Or maybe I just reeeeally believed in "the personal touch".