Fair dinkum thats what it says. I realise that when I went to meetings it was done by some people but was frowned on but now here it is on page 21 "Our publications need not be quoted verbatim. Jehovahs Witnesses do not simply repeat what their publications say. Will this be new openess in the witness religion. Barry
The Watchtower 1st September says "Learn to answer in youre own words'
by barry 15 Replies latest jw friends
you may answer in your own words, but the words must conform.
Some people get their words mixed up and their thoughts confused surely you cant blame a person for weaknesses of the flesh. Barry
Hi again Barry..............the wife didn't beat you up then hey?????????? LOL.
Well, the dubs pride themselves on how their members are encouraged to publicly answer and make expressions of faith at the meetings.
I think it is fair to say that when they answer up they do answer in their own words (mostly the over 25's attempt this risky stunt) but it's the WTS's THOUGHTS they are presenting!
Cheers, Bliss
Before it was no big deal, you could just read the answer right out of the paragraph, just as long as you are participating and encouraging others to comment as well. As a matter of fact, they discouraged long and elaborate answers because they said you could discourage those who answered in simple answers.
Now they want you to say it in your own words. When I was a jw and someone commented and their answer was very long, I was intimidated to comment in feeling everyone would think I was dumb.
Why must they keep on changing things? Just let people do what they feel comfortable doing whether it is answering word for word out of the paragraph or saying it in their own words.
And when you answer in your own words you better be carefull,is like walking on a rasor blade,very dangerous behaviour,you are not humble enough,next time they will on purpose ignore you,at the study of the wt,you are spreading the wings too wide.
When I use to answer in my own words it threw the conductor off track ,and he use to look at his notes etc.for confirmation, then call on someone who he knew would give the stock answer,then not call on me again,as if he didn't see me raise my hand.Then after the meeting he would praise me for my insightful comment,not during the meeting.
Blueblades, who is not commenting anymore,we miss you!
I think it is a case of misdirection. They talk a good game, act like they are polically correct, but in fact want to know if you are thinking the right thoughts. Maverick
but in fact want to know if you are thinking the right thoughts.
You can learn a lot about someone by listening to the way they describe something. Is this going to be another way for them to check up on you? If I ever go back to a watchtower study instead of using my own words in the answer I'd prefer to use blondies. I wonder if they'd pick my hand again after the first answer......
Our current CO suggested, and probably to the whole circuit, to make your answers 30 seconds or less.
It's funny to hear our WT study conductor's daughter (she's 18) try and answer in her own words. All she is doing is substituting the words in the paragraph for other words, so you really don't even know if she's understand what she is commenting on...