You Should all be Listening to The W?T Now!!!

by Latte 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Latte

    Just how did we do it???

    I have done load of washing, cleaning, getting school uniform ready - (and all that goes with that) this Sunday morning.

    What a chunck out of your day attending the KH was! I remember being so tired after Sunday activities: Make sandwiches for FS, get kids ready, get to KH. Eat sandwiches, FS. Then home. In the winter, this was so tiring- so draining.

    Looking on the bright side??I will have to whole afternoon to spend a refreshing day with my family!

    Yes, life begins when you leave the borg.!

  • frenchbabyface

    Yes ...

  • Mutz

    Nothing better than waking up Sunday morning, wandering down the newsagents for the Sunday paper and spending some time relaxing. It's what Sundays were invented for. NOT for sitting in the Kingdumb on an uncomfortable chair listening to some plonker running on and on with the same old skcollob we've heard several thousand times before! :smile:

  • Hamas

    I was thinking that myself this morning.

    All this time to devote to apostate promotion.... he.... im off to a convention next summer... I got some real tricks up my sleeve....

    Ever seen Shawshank Redemption ? Leaving the WT is the same kinda thing.

    Yipeeee !!

  • Gadget

    I got sent back from work this morning(They gave me another weeks holiday and forgot to tell me!), and thought about going to the meeting to 'discuss' some matters with the elders that have been bothering me. I ended up just going back to bed instead.

  • Yerusalyim

    One blessing I've had in my marriage, even when she became active again, my wife never went out on Field Service...I forbid her to do so. The step kids went a few times with others in the congregation, but began to beg off going for this reason or that...the real reason of course was cuz they liked their free time.

  • Country_Woman

    I totally agree.

    Seems a luxury to stay at home today - knowing that none of the congragation will be able to bother me today: there is a meeting this weekend and I am not there.
    hurray !!

    Looking back: what a waste of time.


  • Scully

    I realized last night just how regimented our lives were as JWs. From the early 1970s until 1994, the only times I ever slept in late on a Saturday or Sunday morning was when I was too sick to get out of bed. Every other weekend was devoted to field service and meetings.

    I honestly don't know how we did it. Now I love catching all the extra sleep I can get!!

    Love, Scully

  • SM62

    I love having the weekends free.

    What used to get me was getting home from work at 7pm, gulping down a cup of tea, grabbing a sandwich and back out the door for the meeting at 7.30pm on a Tuesday and Thursday. I always ended up with indigestion and felt too exhausted to pay much attention to the waffle from the platform.

    For people that aren't JWs, they don't realise what a killer it is. Then there was FS every Sat and Sun am - I don't know if I have it in me to ever go back to any of that again.


  • Dimples

    ahhhhh....feels so good being home and relaxing



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