I am thoroughly conviced that if the Bible is to be believed as it is written, then God has gone out of his way to want all humans to be atheists. He goes out of his WAY to convince people he couldn?t possibly exist, and if he does exist, he wants no one to follow him.
With the exception of the books of Job, Daniel and Ezekiel almost all the other books of the old testament are full of gore, murder and genocide either from God himself, or upon the direct orders of God.
The book of Job is a morality play and none of the players (and likely the author) were Jews. That?s probably why it doesn?t have any gore. The Israelites were the most bloodthirsty nation that existed back then and were more blood thirsty than any nation that preceded them. They searched for no converts. They executed anyone who got in their way. God ordered them to stone to death any child who was ?stubborn.? Nice God. They liked to hack up bodies and then send the parts to their enemies. They executed entire communities and civilizations, and loved to smash the brains of little children against the walls. They were less civilized than the worst murderer behind the walls of San Quentin prison.
The books of Daniel and Ezekiel are full of fanciful and ridiculous stories and dreams that can be interpreted in a myriad of ways and have no meaning for us today. Unless someone like the WTS finds a particularly fanciful dream or vision that they can rework and reshape to fit into their weird notions of ?prophecy? and doctrine.
Any parent who would sit down by little children and read these stories of gore, slaughter and mayhem would be guilty of child abuse and should be locked up. Any book that so terrifies little children is child abuse and false. Any God that decrees a book like this be read to little children is a child abuser-God and false.
Consider a parent who had a child saying this to the child: ?If any of your friends commits a horrible crime, I?m going to execute YOU.? That would be the most evil, vengeful and unfair thing for a parent to do to a child, wouldn?t it? Yet, that is EXACTLY what God did to his own son: assassinated an entirely innocent person for the crimes of someone else.
Note that God told Adam and Eve if they ate of the fruit they would ?surely die.? He didn?t say he would assassinate them, did he? And he did not assassinate them. He let them live long, long lives. So, why did God have to have his own son assassinated? Why didn?t he let him live a long, long life and then die, like Adam and Eve. There was absolutely no parity between the crime of the first couple and the ?redemption? of the crime by Jesus. The Bible says Jesus was brought to the earth to ?suffer,? but how much did he suffer in reality. He had perfect health. He never got sick. Never had diarrhea. Never had to see loved ones die. Never had the flu. Oh, sure he suffered for a few short hours before he died, but that is NOTHING compared to the suffering almost all humans who live to an old age suffer. Actually, the greatest suffering Jesus could have had was to live to an old age, instead of returning to glory in heaven after a very short life of only 33 years. I?ll bet Jesus suffered a hell of a lot less than Adam and Even did over their 900 + years. They had to suffer through one of their sons murdering the other and then being cursed by God for doing so. Why didn?t God just kill his rebellious son Satan or at least send him away for a long ?time out? to think about it? Why did he have to screw up the entire human race, when he himself said that children would not have to suffer for the sins of the parents. And then, why did he turn around and blame US for the mess he put us in?
What kind of a strange God is BibleGod?, anyway? How can any sane person think that his actions somehow ?prove? his mercy and goodness? It?s just the opposite.
Therefore, because of his actions and insane way of dealing with problems, he has gone out of his way to make sure humans get every opportunity in the world to not want to believe him, or at the very least to only believe in him because he terrorizes them into doing so?
BibleGod? wants us all to be atheists. Yep. That?s it!