More nonsense: : Well, at least one of them did. And you don't have to take my word for it. Even "the Bible" says that it was Eve who was deceived... but that Adam... was not. If he was not deceived, then I tend to think he knew EXACTLY what he was getting into. Or at least, he THOUGHT he did. But you know the saying, "A hard head... makes a soft..." well, you know... Adam sold out the human race because if he didn't do it, he knew God would dispose of Eve and he wouldn't get any more nookie (or at least he thought he wouldn't). He may not have been deceived but he valued his nookie more than the hundreds of generations of misery he caused because he wanted to keep getting his nookie. Adam was an asshole, or to put it more bluntly, the whole story is garbage. Aguest: face it: you cannot shine shit, and that whole story is just that. Either that is true, or God is the most miserable vindictive sadist that ever existed. Either way, it ain't perty. Farkel
What God Really Wants
by Farkel 44 Replies latest watchtower bible
You made an assumption that cannot be proven. It is just an assumption.
God to his First Begotten (FB): "Hey, First"
FB to God: "yeah, Dad?"
God: "I want you to go to earth, become a human and get assassinated."
FB: "You're such a prankster dad! I saw all the stuff you let Moses do to those poor folks who never bothered his people. What do you have in mind this time, Dad?"
God: "They only understand killing, so I want to kill you so they can understand."
FB: "They only understand killing Dad, because that's all you've ever done."
God: "Are you mocking me, sonny boy?"
FB: "To tell you the truth, Dad, you are a really shitty Dad."
God: "That does it. You're going to earth and you're going to suffer, and you're going to die."
FB: "Whatever you say, Dad."
A Paduan
There is nothing in the Bible that indicates that his son volunteered to do anything.
"?.nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done."
NEVER in the OT part of the Bible will you find words that tell parents to honor and cherish and nurture children.
And the LORD said (to Cain), "What have you done?? ?...I shall be a fugitive???.. and whoever finds me will slay me? Then the LORD said to him, "Not so!??
Nowhere in the Bible are parents admonished to treat children as little human beings, too.
??.do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven"
Sane parents don't stone "stubborn" children to death. BibleGod(tm) demands this sentence.
"You have heard that it was said, `An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.'
But I say to you,?? -
peacefulpete appears that the author of those words ascribed to Jesus felt just as Farkle does about the OT's barbaric ethics.
The Israelites were the most bloodthirsty nation that existed back then and were more blood thirsty than any nation that preceded them. They searched for no converts. They executed anyone who got in their way. God ordered them to stone to death any child who was ?stubborn.? Nice God. They liked to hack up bodies and then send the parts to their enemies. They executed entire communities and civilizations, and loved to smash the brains of little children against the walls. They were less civilized than the worst murderer behind the walls of San Quentin prison.
Excellent summary of the ancient Hebrews modus operandi.
A lot of the cognitive dissonance I went through for years (since I figured it had to be me that was wrong and not the Bible ? what an idiot I was for so long ) was partly because of things like the above. What a horrid god and yet we?re supposed to love him. And of course we?re also supposed to fear him. Well, it was a lot easier to fear him than to love him that?s for sure.
There was absolutely no parity between the crime of the first couple and the ?redemption? of the crime by Jesus. The Bible says Jesus was brought to the earth to ?suffer,? but how much did he suffer in reality. He had perfect health. He never got sick. Never had diarrhea. Never had to see loved ones die. Never had the flu. Oh, sure he suffered for a few short hours before he died, but that is NOTHING compared to the suffering almost all humans who live to an old age suffer. Actually, the greatest suffering Jesus could have had was to live to an old age, instead of returning to glory in heaven after a very short life of only 33 years.
That's what I often wondered: if the outcome is guaranteed, how can it be a sacrifice?
Great post.
Deputy Dog
Have you read "THE CASE FOR faith" By Lee Strobel?
It handles most of the issues you bring up here.
D Dog
I have to assume then, dear StinkyP... and the greatest of peace to you... that you've never met a serious crack... or heroin... addict... crankster... tweaker... meth freak... or abusive alcoholic... and even if you have, you know that, of course, they're not to blame for what happens to THEIR children as a result of their... ummmm... putting things in THEIR mouths/veins, either... even though they've been warned by everybody from mom to the teacher to the television... 'cause THEY have NO control over what THEY do... in fact, "the Devil made 'em"... no, wait... GOD made 'em do it"... no, no, their PARENTS made 'em do it 'cause all THEY had to do was warn THEM about the dangers of drug/alcohol abuse... but, oops, oh yeah, they did, they just didn't do it enough... right... correctly... accurately... enough... never told 'em to JUST SAY NO and stay away from such things, and, of course, they WOULD if they had been warned, told... 'cause of course they're not STOOPID and so NO ONE could ever persuade them to "use"... no, better yet, their parents should'a never brought 'em into this world and they're LOUSY parents for doing so 'cause everybody knows that it's always the parents fault that the kid ends up on drugs and/or alcohol... 'cause the parents are most probably low-lifed lot lizards themselves and so who's surprised that the kids are... Right? Yes, okay, sure... right.
Sigh! Peace to you.
A slave of Christ,
Romans 8:1, Isaiah 52:14-53:4
It was his spirit, the man that he was on the INSIDE that was "without blemish," dear one. God... does not look at the "cup"... the vessel that is the flesh... the outward appearance, but sees... what a man is INSIDE. Thus, the INSIDE of my Lord's "cup" was CLEAN. He had "no blemish" in that he was "guileless" and "without sin."
It was OUR sins... that he took into his body; OUR sicknesses... that he bore. That is why power "went OUT of him," when he healed: it went INTO the one(s) he was healing, so that they could BE healed.
I bid you peace.
A slave of Christ,
I think that God has a bit more responsibility when it comes to warning his "children" about the consequences of their actions than imperfect parents. He gave us 66 books to help shape our lives, but only gave Adam & Eve something like 3 sentences. Was this a mere oversight on his part? Also, comparing a perfect all knowing God to a human doesn't even seem fair. In all of his infinite wisdom, he should've elaborated, obviously.