Much love to you and your wife and little treasure!
She's here and early! 27 weeks 1day.
by Darkknight757 45 Replies latest jw experiences
Congrats, DK - nothing more beautiful than a baby!
Just wanted to add my best wishes and thoughts - hope she continues to improve and thrive.
Thank you for your updates. Your story has captured our hearts. Your precious Izabella is already proving herself a little fighter.This will almost surely serve her well.
I'm so sorry for the stress your family is going through. Sending positive thoughts and wishes to you, your lovely wife, and baby girl.
Welcome to our beautiful world little Izabella
Congratulations, she's a little trooper 😊
Hoping things continue to go well
Congratulations !💕
Esse quam videri
Scully ...Although the next several weeks will be busier than you can imagine, try to cherish the moments with her as much as you can. It won't be long until she's at 35 weeks or so, and then you could be able to bring her home...
I thought, right on, my daughter is over 30 now. Then I read it again. 35 weeks. LOL. My little girl is 31 years old now and it happened so fast. She was pre-mature at 3 pounds.
She is beautiful!! Congratulations :))
Congrats on becoming parents! Life will never be the same!
Hope all goes well.